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  • 由 星河之約 發表于 足球
  • 2021-10-18
簡介catch off(v


關於catch的短語,你知道多少?1。catch on


變得流行滑板運動很快就流行起來Skateboarding caught on quickly。

2。catch out


3。catch up

搶奪匪徒搶了錢夾並逃走了The mugger caught the wallet up and fled。

指出錯誤,指出差錯:指出(另一人)錯誤或差錯查帳員查出了那個侵佔公款者Auditors caught up with the embezzler。



著迷;吸引住涉及醜聞was caught up in the scandal。我沉醉在夜晚的情調中I was caught up in the mood of the evening。

使接近:將一項工作引向接近完成讓我把所有的流言蜚語簡要地說給你Let me catch you up on all the gossip。我必須儘快寫完我的回信I must catch up on my correspondence。

4。catch the light

(在光線中)發光,閃光catch sight of1。 撞見;瞥見catch at(v。+prep。)

設法抓住或利用 try to catch〔說明〕 catch at作此解時常不用於進行體。He caught at a rope thrown to him, but missed it。他想抓住扔給他的繩子,但沒有抓住。

發現某人正在幹… discover sb in the act of sth wrong I‘ve caught you at your tricks again! 你玩花招,又叫我發現了!

接受 accept John caught at Bill’s offer to help。約翰馬上接受比爾提供的幫助。

5。catch off(v。+prep。)乘某人不備 surprise sb in an undefended moment They caught him off guard。他們給他來了一個攻其不備。

同義詞辨析:arrest, capture, catch, seize, trap這些動詞均有“抓住,捕捉”之意。arrest :指根據法律或命令進行逮捕並予以監禁或拘留。capture :指透過武力或計謀等,戰勝抵抗而捉住敵人或動物。

catch :普通用詞,指捉住跑動或隱藏中的人或動物,一般指活捉。seize :側重指以突然、有力地動作迅速抓住或捉住。trap :多指誘捕。



1。 He missed the catch and the match was lost。他沒有接住球,比賽輸了。

2。 The teapot came with a stand to catch the drips。那把茶壺配有一個可以接滴水的茶托。

3。 The white sails billow with the breezes they catch。一張張白帆隨著微風舞動。

4。 They skip rope and play catch, waiting for the bell。他們又是跳繩,又是玩接球,等著上課鈴聲響起。

5。 Most late developers will catch up with their friends。大多數身材發育遲緩者都會趕上他們的朋友。

6。 Let‘s dry our hair so we don’t catch cold。我們把頭髮吹乾,這樣就不會感冒。

7。 She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks。她白天忙著處理行政工作。

8。 I didn‘t so much as catch sight of him all day long。我一整天都沒見他人影。

9。 Press the lever until you hear the catch engage。壓下擋杆,直到聽到擋掛好。

10。 You wouldn’t catch me in there, I can tell you。我可以告訴你,你永遠別想在那裡看見我。

11。 I stopped and waited for her to catch up。我停住腳步,等她追上來。

12。 She was running to catch a red-eye to New York。她急著去趕飛往紐約的紅眼航班。

13。 Several thousand supporters strained to catch a glimpse of the new president。幾千名支持者翹首企盼能一睹新總統的風采。

14。 Her voice was so low he had to strain to catch it。她的聲音很低,他很費力才聽得到。


15。 They slipped the safety catch on his automatic back into place。他們將自動步槍的保險栓重新拉上。
