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把英語Money burns a hole in pocket說成英語

  • 由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 足球
  • 2022-07-31
簡介雖然對文中的部分英語,如who is a spendthrift and a profligate不甚了了,但是繼續讀到“同義表達”who wants to spend money as quickly as he receives it

bobble burns是什麼牌子

Money burns a hole in pocket是什麼意思?

把英語Money burns a hole in pocket說成英語

只要你具備了把學過的英語用起來用英語學英語的能力,見到英語money burns a hole in pocket的英語解釋(換句話來說就是)時,你都不需要任何中文“介入”就能知道英語money burns a hole in pocket原來是這個意思。

我們先來“閱讀”一段原版英語,然後再用“Okay。I got you”的“歸納思維”方式訓練英語口語:

把英語Money burns a hole in pocket說成英語


1。 The idiom “hole burning in his pocket” refers to a person who is a spendthrift and a profligate。 It is someone who wants to spend money as quickly as he receives it in a reckless and wasteful way。 Such a person squanders money。 This is a very common saying that is used a lot in English-speaking countries。

雖然對文中的部分英語,如who is a spendthrift and a profligate不甚了了,但是繼續讀到“同義表達”who wants to spend money as quickly as he receives it 以及in a reckless and wasteful way時,我們也就Okay。I got you。 Spendthrift是什麼意思了,還有a person squanders money什麼意思了(好多一次多說的英語表達啊!)

把英語Money burns a hole in pocket說成英語

2。 When one has money available, one becomes very eager to spend it。

讀到very eager to spend it時,Okay。I got you了沒有?

二、“Okay。I got you”“歸納思維”方式訓練英語口語:

1。 Okay。I got you。 Money always burns a hole in his pocket means He spends money quickly and in a wasteful way。

2。 Okay。I got you。 If people say:Money burns a hole in his pocket,they mean:Hr squanders money。He wastes money like water。He is always eager to spend money quickly。

把英語Money burns a hole in pocket說成英語


He always aquanders money=wastes money recklessly=spends money wastefully and recklessly=Money always burns a hole in his pocket。
