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  • 由 金言情感說 發表于 棋牌
  • 2022-02-22
簡介As Hugo said, ”the first sign of true love is men‘s timidity and women’s boldness After a person really gives his heart,




There are many things in this world that cannot be forced, especially love The more you ask for love, the more likely you are to be hurt by love



As Hugo said, ”the first sign of true love is men‘s timidity and women’s boldness After a person really gives his heart, he will not be particularly bold, but will follow his heart

你現在可能不理解這種感覺,但只要你用心去愛過,你就會發現,兩個真正相愛的人,即使相隔很遠,也會有 “心靈感應”。


You may not understand this feeling now, but as long as you love with your heart, you will find that two people who really love each other will have “telepathy” even if they are far apart


Although middle-aged women have more emotional experiences, these experiences often leave her with more bitterness than sweetness and more harm than happiness Middle aged women are more cautious when it comes to relationships because they are worried that they will be hurt again



Maybe in your opinion, it‘s harmless for a woman to tell a few lies, but it just reflects her bad character For a woman with good conduct, even if it is just a white lie, it will make her feel ashamed when she says it
