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外研版九年級上冊 hundred of百 thousand千 million百萬billion十億

  • 由 句句不提愛句句都是愛 發表于 棋牌
  • 2022-01-07
簡介hundred百, thousand千, million百萬,billion十億1.表示具體的數,hundred, thousand, million , billion前有基數詞,後不加-s,沒有介詞of 兩無(無s,無of)five h


hundred百, thousand千, million百萬,billion十億

1.表示具體的數,hundred, thousand, million , billion

前有基數詞,後不加-s,沒有介詞of 兩無(無s,無of)

five hundred

hundred, thousand, million , billion前可用some, several, many等表示不確定的數目的詞

2.表示抽象的數,hundred, thousand, million,billion

前沒有基數詞,後加-s,有介詞of 兩有(有s,有of)

hundreds of數以百計的,成百上千的

thousands of數以千計的,成千上萬的

millions of數以百萬計的

billions of數以十億計的

hundreds of …


There are two thousand students in this school.這所學校有兩千名學生。

Thousands of visitors come here every day.每天有數千名遊客來這裡。

hundreds of millions of數億的,後接複數名詞,表示模糊數量(抽象)。

Hundreds of millions of


all over the world

celebrate Earth Day every year。每年世界各地數億人慶祝地球日。

They have raised five thousand pounds for the homeless.他們已為無家可歸的人籌集了5000英鎊。

The novel has sold about two hundred thousand copies.這部小說已銷售約二十萬冊。

There are thousands of people on the square.廣場上有數以千計的人。

Thousands of people come here every summer vacation.每年暑假成千上萬的人來這裡。

There are two thousand students in our school.我們學校有2000名學生。

Thousands of people were lying on the beach.數以千計的人躺在海灘上。

Two hundred students

attended the contest。兩百名學生參加了此次比賽。

Some were huge ones with thousands of pages.一些是好幾幹頁的巨型書。
