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the reason why的用法

  • 由 淘濤說教育 發表于 籃球
  • 2023-01-20
簡介The reason why he failed the exam is that he didn‘t work hard,他考試沒透過的原因是因為他沒有努力學習

the reason後面跟什麼

the reason why在從句中作狀語,表示原因,對前面的疑問和情況進行敘述。


The reason why he is absent is that he is ill,他缺席的原因是因為他生病了。

the reason why的用法

The reason why he failed the exam is that he didn‘t work hard,他考試沒透過的原因是因為他沒有努力學習。

the reason why的用法

The reason why I was late for class is that I did’t catch the bus,他遲到的原因是因為他沒有趕上公交車。

the reason why的用法

The reason why he succeeded is that he works very hard,他成功的原因是因為他工作非常努力。

The reason why Mary didn‘t come to school is the she is ill today,瑪麗今天沒來學校的原因是因為她生病了。

The reaon why the match was put off is that it was raining hard,比賽推遲的原因是因為雨下的很大。
