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  • 2022-08-06
簡介The Republic of Macedonia is a landlocked country located in the southern Balkan Peninsula of southeastern Europe and it



迦納 Ghana


Ghana, a northwestern country in Africa, is located in the west of Africa, north bank of Gulf of Guinea, adjacent to Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, Togo in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the south。 Most of its areas are plains; there is Akkowapim Mountain Range in the east, Kwahu Plateau in the south and Gambaga Scarp in the north。 The highest peak Ghibobo Mountain is 876 meters above sea level。

馬達加斯加 Madagascar


The Republic of Madagascar, called “Madagascar” for short, was formerly known as the Malagasy Republic。 It is an offshore island country in the Indian Ocean in the southeast of Africa。 The country contains Madagascar Island (the world‘s fourth largest island) and its surrounding small islands。 90% of wild animals and plants in Madagascar are exclusively possessed by this country。

希臘 Greece


The Republic of Greece, generally called Greece, is a republic country located at European southeastern corner and southern tip of Balkan。 The whole country is jointly composed of Peloponnese in the south of Balkan and more than 3000 islands in the Aegean Sea。 Greece is a strategic area connecting Europe, Asia and Africa and its Aegean Sea is also a famous tourist destination。

泰國 Thailand


The Kingdom of Thailand, generally called Thailand, is a member state and founding nation of Association of Southeast Asian Nations and is the world famous Buddhist country where Erawan Shrine is believed in。 Buddhists account for more than 90 percent of the population in the whole country。 In the 1990s, its economy advanced rapidly and it became one of the “Four Asian Tigers”。 It is also one of the world famous tourist resorts。

格瑞那達 Grenada


Grenada is a country in the south of Windward Islands in West Indies, with a population of 105,000。 Its main religion is Catholic and it’s a member state of the British Commonwealth。 Its capital is Saint George’s。 Agriculture and tourism are the foundation of its economy, the output of main agricultural product nutmeg accounts for about one third of total output globally。

瓜地馬拉 Guatemala


The Republic of Guatemala, generally called Guatemala, is located in Central America; it’s next to Pacific Ocean in the west, Caribbean Sea in the east, bordering on Mexico in the north, adjacent to Belize in the northeast and Honduras and Salvador in the south。 The conditions of human rights are not good in this country; indigenous language broadcasting has been in an illegal state and hasn’t been relieved until recently。

布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea


The Independent State of Papua New Guinea, called Papua New Guinea for short, is an island country in the southwest of Pacific Ocean; it’s adjacent to Papua Province of Indonesia in the west and separated by sea with Australia and Solomon Islands in the south and east respectively。 The population of Papua New Guinea is 7。05 million and it’s the second largest country in population in Oceania。

蓋亞那 Guyana


It’s located in the north of South America and is the only country taking English as its official language in South America; it’s also a member state of the British Commonwealth。 It’s adjacent to Surinam in the east, Brazil in the south, Venezuela in the west and the Atlantic Ocean in the north。 Although it’s located in South America and is a member stage of Union of South American Nations, it has close relations with Caribbean isles traditionally and historically。

海地共和國The Republic of Haiti


It’s generally called Haiti, a country in Caribbean Sea。 Its whole territory is located in western part of the second largest island of Caribbean Sea—Hispaniola (also called Haiti Island)。 It borders on Dominican Republic in the east。 Haiti is one of the least developed countries in the world。 On January 1, 1804, Haiti declared independence and it is the first independent country in the world。

宏都拉斯共和國 The Republic of Honduras


The Republic of Honduras, generally called Honduras, is a republic country in Central America; it’s adjacent to Guatemala in the west, Salvador in the southwest, Nicaragua in the southeast, Caribbean Sea in the east and north and Honsega Bay in Pacific Ocean。 Its capital Tegucigalpa has rich mineral resources, of which, silver reserves rank the first in Central America。

匈牙利 Hungary


It’s an inland country in central Europe, bordering on Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, with the population of about 10,000,000 and capital of Budapest。 Its official language Hungarian is a non-Indo-European language that is most widely used in Europe; its per capita GDP reaches moderately developed country level。

冰島 Iceland


It’s an island country in North Atlantic Ocean, at the junction of North Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean; generally, its’ regarded as one of the Five Nordic Countries。 The national territorial area of Iceland is 103000 square kilometers, with population of about 320000; it’s a country with the smallest population density in Europe。 Iceland is located on ocean ridge of Atlantic Ocean and it is a country with more volcanoes and frequent geological activities。

印度 India


The Republic of India, generally called India, is a country on Indian Subcontinent in South Asia and a member state of the British Commonwealth。 India is the world’s second largest country in population, only second to China; its population accounts for nearly 1/5 globally; India and China are the two countries in the world whose population exceeds 1 billion。

印度尼西亞 Indonesia


The Republic of Indonesia, called Indonesia or Id for short, is the world’s largest archipelago country。 Its territory crosses Asia and Oceania and another name is “a country with thousands of islands”。 All the islands have green mountains and clear waters everywhere, have summer at all seasons, so people call it “a jade on the equator”; Indonesia is the world’s fourth largest country in population。

伊朗 Iran


The Islamic Republic of Iran, called Iran for short, is located in the southwest of Asia, with national territorial area of 1,648,195 square kilometers; its territory is mainly on Iranian Plateau and the climate is relatively dry; the population is about 77 million and its capital is Tehran; its official language is Persian and it’s a multi-national state。

伊拉克 Iraq


The Republic of Iraq, called Iraq for short, is a country located in Middle East region in the southwest of Asia。 It borders on Sandi Arabia and Kuwait in the south and is sandwiched between Iran and Jordan in the east and west。 The region where Iraq is located was once called Mesopotamia in history and is one of main cradles of human civilization。

愛爾蘭 Ireland


The Republic of Ireland, generally called Ireland, a member state of EU, is located in Ireland Island at the northwestern coast of Europe, accounting for about 5/6 of area in the south of this island。 The remaining 1/6 of area in the northeast belongs to England, which is called Northern Ireland。 Its capital is Dublin which is in the east of Ireland Island。 Ireland is a parliamentary republic country。

以色列 Israel


Israel is located at southeastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, next to Lebanon in the north and Syria and Jordan in the east, bordering on Egypt in the southwest。 It declared independence in 1948 and it’s the only country in the world where Jews prevail。 Israeli scientists have made outstanding contributions to technological production of genetics, computer science, optics and engineering science。

義大利 Italy


The Republic of Italy is mainly composed of Apennine Peninsula and two islands located in Mediterranean Sea—Sicily and Sardinia。 Its population is the fifth largest in Europe and the 23rd largest in the world。 It’s called “a beautiful country” thanks to its beautiful natural scenery and numerous human culture heritages。

牙買加 Jamaica


Jamaica is an island country in Caribbean Sea region。 In 1494, Columbus came to Jamaica and it soon became a Spanish colony; it was occupied by the British Empire in 1955。 On August 6, 1962, Jamaica declared independence and it is now a member state of the British Commonwealth。

日本 Japan


It’s an island country in East Asia and composed of Japanese Islands and more than 7200 small islands, with national territorial area of about 377800 square kilometers。 The meaning of “Japan” is “the place where the sun rises”。 Since Japan is located on the ocean in the east of China, it’s called “Dongying” or “Dongyang” in Chinese。

約旦 Jordan


The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is a country in the Middle East and it’s next to Syria in the north and bordering on Iraq in the northeast and connected with Saudi Arabia in the southeast and next to Israel and Palestine in the west。 More than 92% of its residents believe in Islam, belonging to Sunnite; those who believe in Christianity account for about 6%, mainly belonging to Greek Orthodox Church。

哈薩克 Kazakhstan

哈薩克共和國簡稱哈薩克、哈薩克,國名取自其最大民族哈薩克族,哈薩克為跨大陸國家,地跨亞歐兩洲,主要位於中亞北部,在烏拉爾河的一小部分領土位於歐洲。主要城市為阿拉木圖, 首都為阿斯塔納。

The Republic of Kazakhstan is called Kazakhstan or Kazak for short; the country is named after its largest nationality—Kazakhstan。 Kazakhstan is a transcontinental country, across Europe and Asia; it’s mainly located in the north of Central Asia, a small part of its territory at Ural River is in Europe。 Its main city is Alma-ata and its capital is Astana。

肯亞共和國 The Republic of Kenya


Kenya is in the east of Africa, with equator across its central part and the Great Rift Valley throughout its north and south。 It’s next to Somalia in the east, Tanzania in the south, Uganda in the west and bordering on Ethiopia and South Sudan in the north and the Indian Ocean in the southeast。 There are any plateaus in its territory, with an average elevation of 1500 meters。 Central Kirinyaga Peak is 5199 meters above sea level, which is the second highest peak in Africa。

基裡巴斯共和國 The Republic of Kiribati


The Republic of Kiribati is an island country on the Pacific Ocean and one of the world’s least developed countries。 It’s divided into three islands including Gilbert Islands, Phoenix Islands and Line Islands; there are total 32 atolls and 1 coral island; it has the world’s largest marine conservation area。 At present, it is faced with the danger of submersed island country due to climate warming。

朝鮮 North Korea


It’s a country located in the north of Korean Peninsula in East Asia, bordering on China and Russia in the north; it was founded on September 9, 1948 after World War II and its territory accounts for about 5/9 of total area of Korean Peninsula。 Its capital is Pyongyang and its south is separated from the Republic of Korea by the 38th Parallel Korean DMZ。

韓國 Korea

大韓民國是位於東北亞朝鮮半島南部的民主共和國,簡稱韓國, 首都為首爾。韓國三面環海,西南瀕臨黃海,東南是朝鮮海峽,東邊是日本海,北面隔著三八線朝韓非軍事區與朝鮮民主主義人民共和國相鄰。

The Republic of Korea is a democratic republic located in the south of Korean Peninsula in Northeast Asia, referred to as South Korea, with its capital Seoul。 South Korea is surrounded by sea at three sides, next to Yellow Sea in the Southwest, Korea Strait in the southeast and Japan Sea in the east; and it’s adjacent to the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea separated by the 38th Parallel Korean Demilitarized Zone。

科威特 Kuwait


The State of Kuwait is a monarchical country located in the northeast of Arabian Peninsula in Southwest Asia and was once a British colony。 Kuwait’s oil and gas resource reserves are abundant and the verified oil reserve ranks the fourth globally, so the export of oil and gas is the important pillar of its national economy。

吉爾吉斯坦 Kyrgyzstan


Kyrgyz republic, called kyrgyzstan for short, is an inland country located in central Asia, Bishkek is its capital。 It was independent from the former Soviet Union in 1991 and became a member of CIS。 It has become a member state of Shanghai Cooperation Organization since 2001 and a member state of Turkic Council since 2009。

寮國 Loas


The Lao People‘s Democratic Republic, referred to as Laos, is an inland country on Indochina Peninsula。 It was a part of Kingdom of Chenla historically。 From the 13th to 18th century, it was called Nanzhang, then it was invaded by Siam and Vietnam and then invaded by France and became the colony of France in 1893。 Laos is a member state of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations。

拉脫維亞共和國 The Republic of Latvia


The Republic of Latvia, referred to as Latvia, is a country along the Baltic in the northeastern Europe。 On March 29, 2004, it became a member state of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; on December 21, 2007, it became a member state of Schengen Convention and on January 1, 2014, it became the 18th EU country using euro。

賴索托王國 The Kingdom of Lesotho


The Kingdom of Lesotho, referred to as Lesotho, located in southern Africa, is the world’s largest state within a state; the whole country is completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa。 Because it is located in a plateau, Lesotho is also known as the “Kingdom of Sky”。 Lesotho is a member state of the British Commonwealth and it was independent from England on October 4, 1966。

賴比瑞亞共和國 The Republic of Liberia

賴比瑞亞共和國,位於西非,北接幾內亞,西北接獅子山,東鄰象牙海岸,西南瀕大西洋。 19世紀初,一些美國黑奴解放後有計劃地移居到現在被稱作賴比瑞亞的地區,所以國名在英文有“自由”和“解放”的意思。

The Republic of Liberia is located in West Africa and it’s adjacent to Guinea in the north, Sierra Leone in the northwest, Ivory Coast in the east and the Atlantic Ocean in the southwest。 In the early 19th century, some American negro slaves immigrated to the area which is now called Liberia in a planned way after the liberation, so the country name has the meaning of “freedom” and “liberation”。

列支敦斯登公國 The Principality of Liechtenstein


The principality of Liechtenstein, sandwiched between Switzerland and Austria, is the only country whose official language is German, but it is not adjacent to Germany。 Its per capita GDP reaches up to 60,000 Euros and it is a rich small country known for beautiful scenery of Alps, tax haven and high standard of living。

立陶宛 The Republic of Lithuania


The Republic of Lithuania is referred to as Lithuania, located in northeastern Europe。 It is one of the three countries of the Baltic Sea, Its north side is Latvia, south side is Poland and connects to Belarus in the southeast, and it joins the state of Kaliningrad of Russian in the southwest, and its west coast is the Baltic sea with the capital Vilnius。 It is a member of the EU, NATO, the Schengen Convention and a number of international organizations。

盧森堡 The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

全稱為盧森堡大公國 ,被鄰國法國、德國和比利時包圍,位於歐洲的內陸國家,也是現今歐洲大陸僅存的大公國,首都盧森堡市。盧森堡是歐盟成員國。盧森堡曾是工業國家,現在則是全球最大的金融中心之一。

Luxemburg is called the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg, and surrounded by neighboring countries such as France, Germany and Belgium, and it is a landlocked country in Europe, and it is also the only Grand Duchy of continental Europe, and the capital city is Luxemburg。 Luxemburg is a member of the European Union。 Luxemburg was once one of the industrial countries, and is now one of the world‘s largest financial center。

馬其頓 Macedonia


The Republic of Macedonia is a landlocked country located in the southern Balkan Peninsula of southeastern Europe and its east side is Bulgarian, its north side is Serbia with Albania in the west, Greece in the south。 It is originally part of Yugoslavia, and it gained independence after the disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991。

紐西蘭 New Zealand


New Zealand, can also be translated as Niuxilan, is an island country located in the southwest of the Pacific, whose capital is Wellington, but the largest city is Oakland metropolitan area。 New Zealand has a pleasant climate, beautiful scenery, fresh environment, and has many tourist resorts and its living standards rank sixth throughout the UN human development index。

秘魯 Peru


Peru known as The Republic of Peru, is a country in western South America。 Its north side is Ecuador and Columbia, and borders Brazil and Bolivia in the east。 It borders Chile in the south and it is at the coast of the Pacific in the west。 It is a member of the union of South American countries。 It bred Small North American prehistoric civilization, which is one of the earliest human civilizations。

菲律賓 Philippines


The Republic of Philippines is referred to as Philippines, and it’s an island country in Southeast Asia located in the Western Pacific。 As a tropical country located in circum Pacific seismic belt, Philippines suffer from the earthquake and typhoon invasion perennially。 However, the climate environment has also created a rich natural resources and biodiversity。

波蘭 Poland


The Poland Republic, is referred to as Poland, and it is called Marco Strong Son in the ancient times。 It is a Democratic Republic country composed of 16 provinces。 It is on the Baltic Sea in the north, and borders Germany the west, and neighbors Czech and the Slovakia in the south, and Ukraine and Belarus are in the east, and borders Lithuania and Russia Ross Kaliningrad in the northeast。

新加坡 Singapore


Singapore, Known as the Republic of Singapore, is an island country in Southeast Asia, and also a city-state。 The country is located in the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, adjacent to the south of the Strait of Malacca, and it is separated from Indonesia by the Straits of Singapore in the south and it is also separated from Malaysia by the Johore strait in the north。 In addition to Singapore’s own island, it also includes a few islands around the island。

蘇利南 Suriname


The Republic of Suriname is located in the northern side of South America, and it is one of the members of the union of South American countries。 The country is formerly known as Dutch Guyana, and it is formerly the colonial heritage of Holland in South America, and it became the autonomous overseas province of the kingdom of Holland in 1954。 It gained independence in 1975。 The capital city——-Paramaribo is the commercial port of the estuary of Suriname River。

瑞典 Sweden


The kingdom of Sweden is a Nordic country located in a Scandinavian Peninsula, whose capital is Stockholm。 Sweden can see Denmark, Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia across the sea and connects to Denmark by the Oresund Bridge in the southwest。 Sweden joined the European Union in 1995。

瑞士 Swiss


The Swiss Confederation, commonly known as the Switzerland, is one of the central European countries, and it is divided into 26 states。 Switzerland is a federal country; Bern is the seat of the federal government。 Switzerland borders Germany in the north, France in the west, Italy in the south, and Austria and Liechtenstein in the east。 It is one of the world‘s most affluent, economically developed and with the highest standards of living countries in the world。

英國 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is referred to as the United Kingdom or the Britain, and East Asian countries usually call it England。 It is a western European country composed of England, Scotland and Wales on the island of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the north-east of the island of Ireland and a series of affiliated islands。 The word England in Chinese comes from “England”。

美國 United States of America


The United States of America is referred to as American, which is located in the centre of North America。 Its east side is the Atlantic; west is Pacific; north is Canada, and it borders Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico in the south。 In addition to Alaska and Hawaii, the other 48 states are located in the American mainland。 It also has many territories and island area in the Caribbean and the Pacific。

委內瑞拉 Venezuela


The Bolivar Republic of Venezuela, is referred to as Venezuela and is a tropical country located in the north of South America。 It is a member of the union of South American countries。 Its capital is Caracas。 The coastline includes the northern Caribbean islands and northeastern the Atlantic with a total length of 2800 km。

越南 Vietnam


The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is referred to as the Vietnam, the land area of Vietnam about 330000 square kilometers。 It is located in the east of the Indo-China Peninsula of the Southeast Asia。 It is located from north latitude 8 degrees 30 ’to 23 degrees 10 ‘ and east longitude 102 degrees 22’ to 109 degrees 30’, bordering with Kampuchea, Laos and China。 Vietnam is one of the members of the association of Southeast Asian Nations。

葉門 Yemen


The Republic of Yemen is referred to as Yemen and it is southwestern Asian countries。 It is located in the edge of Arabian Sea and the Red Sea and located between Oman and Saudi Arabia。 It is composed by the Arabian Republic of Yemen (North Yemen) and the Democratic People‘s Republic of Yemen in May 22, 1990。 It is called as the “first gun country”。

馬耳他 Malta


The Republic of Malta, known as Malta, is located in the Mediterranean。 It is a miniature of National Republic of southern Europe, and a member of the Commonwealth of Nations。 The capital city is Valletta, and it is also called ”the heart of the Mediterranean“ and is a famous leisure area。 As it is located in important strategic position of the Mediterranean, Malta has been occupied by many nations in history。

帛琉 Palau


The Republic of Palau is an island country in the Pacific, located 500 kilometers east of the Philippines islands。 Palau gained independence in 1994 from the trusteeship of America。 The main industries are fishing and tourism and the main religion is Christianity and the ancient sect of the Modekngei, and 70% of the population is Micronesia natives。

蒙古 Mongolia


Mongolia is an inland country located in the north of the people’s Republic of China and in the south of Russia, surrounded by China and Russia (the world‘s second largest inland country)。 Its capital is Ulan Bator, and the total population is 2,683,400 people, with an area of about 1,566,500 square kilometers。 The storage capacity of copper and molybdenum ranks first in Asia。

緬甸 Burma


The Federal Republic of Burma is referred to as Burma, and it is a member of the association of Southeast Asian nations。 Its southwestern side is the Andamam Sea and its northwestern neighbors with India and Bangladesh and its northeast is China, connecting Thailand and Laos in the southeast。 Its capital is Naypyidaw。 Burma has a population of approximate 60, 280,000, among which 68% are Burmese。 Burma is a predominantly agricultural country。

馬來西亞 Malaysia


The Federation of Malaysia is referred to as the Malaysian, is one of the countries in Southeast Asia。 In 2014, the total population is 30,000,000。 The capital city is Kuala Lumpur。 Its economy made a spurt of progress in the 1990’s and became one of the ”national four tigers of Asia“。 It has now become a diversified and eye-catching emerging industrial country and emerging markets in the world economy in Asia。

黎巴嫩 Lebanon


The Republic of Lebanon is located in southwest Asia, Eastern Mediterranean coast。 Lebanon is traditionally known as the countries in the Middle East。 Its eastern and northern parts border with Syria, adjacent to Israel in the south (Palestine, boundary not designated), and it is on the Mediterranean Sea coast in the west。 The capital city is Beirut。 Lebanon‘s tourism industry developed very fast, and there are many historical and cultural monuments in the territory。

沙烏地阿拉伯 Saudi Arabia


Saudi Arabia is located in Arabia Peninsula in southwest Asia with a land area of 2,250,000 square kilometers, and the capital city is Riyadh。 Saudi Arabia is worthy of the name ”Kingdom of oil“。 The oil reserves and production rank first in the world, making it one of the richest countries in the world, and it is also the world’s largest producer of desalinated water。

卡達 Qatar


Qatar is an Arabian country in west Asia and it is located in the Qatar Peninsula of the west coast of Persian Gulf, bordering with the UAE and Saudi Arabia。 Its capital city is Doha, and it has a land area of 11,437 square kilometers, with a population of 1,853,563。 It’s the tropical desert climate。 The total reserves of natural gas ranks third in the world。

烏克蘭 Ukraine

烏克蘭位於歐洲東部,是歐洲除俄羅斯外領土面積最大的國家。首 都基輔,烏克蘭地理位置重要,是歐洲聯盟與獨聯體特別是與俄羅斯地緣政治的交叉點。是世界上第三大糧食出口國,有著“歐洲糧倉”的美譽。其重工業在工業中佔據主要地位。

Ukraine is located in the Eastern Europe, and it is the largest country in Europe except Russia。 The capital city is Kiev。 Ukraine is in an important geographical location, as the European Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States especially with the crossing point of the Russian geopolitical politics。 It is the world‘s third largest food exporter, and has a reputation of ”European granary“。 Its heavy industry occupies a dominant position in the industry。

荷蘭 The Kingdom of Netherlands


Holland is also called the kingdom of Netherlands, and it is the origin point of the famous Asia-Europe continental bridge。 The capital city is Amsterdam, and it has a land area of 41,864 square kilometers。 Holland is famous for the seawall, windmills, tulips and tolerant social atmosphere。 The law about drugs, sex and abortion is the most liberal in the world。

羅馬尼亞 Romania


Romania borders with Hungary and Serbia in the west respectively, Bulgaria in the south, Ukraine in the north and Moldova in the northeast。 Bucharest ——-capital of the country, is the region’s largest financial center, with a land area of 238,391 square kilometers。 The world soccer star such as Haji, Adrian Mutu, Chivu, Raducho are all born in this country。

聖馬利諾 The Republic of San Marino


The Republic of San Marino, is one of the smallest countries in the world and it is located in the south of Europe and the eastern part of Italy Peninsula; the whole country is surrounded by Italy。 The capital city is San Marino, and it has a land area of 61。2 square kilometers, with a population of 31,918 people。 Industry and Commerce of San Marino are mainly banking, electronic manufacturing and ceramic manufacturing industry。

西班牙 The Kingdom of Spain


The kingdom of Spain is a European constitutional monarchy located in the southwest of Europe。 The capital city is Madrid, and it has a land area of 505,925 square kilometers, with a population of 46,610,000 people。 It is a mountainous territory, and one of the European alpine countries。 The gross domestic product (GDP) ranks at the forefront of European countries。 Its manufacturing industry is highly developed and it is one of the world‘s largest shipbuilding countries。

葡萄牙 The Portuguese Republic


Portugal is a republic country located in southwestern Europe。 The Cape Roca which is in the west of the Portuguese capital——-Rees is the westernmost part of Europe。 The land area is 92, 212 square kilometers, with a population of 10,497,100。 The mother tongue of the Portugal is Portuguese, and Portugal still belongs to the developed countries, and has a perfect market economy。 Portugal is a member of the European Union。

利比亞 Libya


Libya is a country of northern Africa located in the south of the Mediterranean, and adjacent to Egypt, Sultan, Chad, Niger, Algeria and Tunisia。 The capital city is Tripoli, with a population of 7。15 million。 Tripoli is an ancient city with a long history of 2,700 years, and it is an important trade center and strategic place since ancient times。

