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pull one's leg可不是“拖後腿”!到底是什麼意思?

  • 由 必克英語 發表于 足球
  • 2021-12-05



現在刷臉支付已經out了,昨天亞馬遜測試人手支付過程僅0。3秒即可完成。但是相信廣大粉絲關心的不是支付快與否,而真正在乎的是支付寶的錢多與少吧!據調查,2019年中國網民工資收入近7成未達5k,你拖後腿了嗎?pull one‘s leg是拖後腿的意思嗎?一起和必叔看一看吧~

pull one

pull one's leg

-拖後腿 ✘

-開玩笑 ✔

“Hey, stop pulling my leg, will you! I don’t believe that girl really said she likes me and would like me to take her out。”“喂,你別逗我行不行!我才不信那個女孩真的說了她喜歡我,還要我邀她出去玩。

pull one's socks up

-鼓起勇氣 ✔

-提上襪子 ✘

I have bad news: our sales were off 18% for the last quarter。 So I‘m telling you guys —— you have to pull your socks up and get out there and sell more stuff, or you’ll be looking for new jobs this summer。我有個不好的訊息:我們上一季度的銷售量下降了18%,所以我告訴你們,你們趕快振作起來到外面去加緊推銷。否則,你們今年夏天就要另外找工作了。

take annual leave

-休假 ✘

-休年假 ✔

All staves are requested to take their annual leave entitlement during each calendar year。 員工應在每個日曆年休完自己的年假。

bring down the house

-推倒房子 ✘

-博得全場喝彩 ✔

A clown with a mouse can bring down the house。 一個小丑加上一隻老鼠會博得滿堂喝彩。

in one's birthday suit

- 赤身裸體 ✔

- 穿著生日禮服 ✘

I guess he didn’t know I was in the house。 When I walked into the living room, he was just standing in his birthday suit。 我猜他當時並不知道我在屋裡。我走進起居室時,他正一絲不掛地站在那兒!

word for word

-字與字之間 ✘

-逐字的、一字不差的 ✔

I learned the poem many years ago, but I recited it word for word。 我在很多年前讀過這首詩,現在還能一字不差地背出來。




