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  • 由 藍V自動化lanv 發表于 垂釣
  • 2021-12-17






1、 主要是布筒的位置及角度,要參照送布輪貼緊的壓布板,為基準,撐好筒後,筒外沿的布走向與壓布板基本在同一平面,然後前後繃布杆要順著布的走向繃靠,類似於梳頭的梳子那樣,平齊,切記不可太突然!布是柔軟且有彈性,繃布杆是光滑,要是有拐彎太明顯,布就會象脫褲子一樣,直接掉下來,時常新手反饋布一直上不去,就是這個主要原因。

2、 以多年國內外受眾的服務經驗,學習一種操作類的技能或手藝,之前是拜師,現在影片技術如此發達,影片就是最好的師付,可以參考幾乎覆蓋全網的所有影片平臺,均能找到產品影片,結合影片,觀看幾遍,然後再動手,依樣畫葫蘆,接著拍現場的影片,根據現狀進行指導糾正,一步一步逼進標準要求!

3、 除錯的時候,儘可能開低速,這樣能降低損耗,有些客人說布料一公斤幾十元,這樣折騰下來浪費好多錢,所以就開最低速度,跟學車一樣,在不會的情況下,要慢速行駛!


Is it really difficult to debug the cutting and rolling machine? As early as 20 years ago, when drawing part drawings and compiling instructions, the names of the cutting and rolling machine, the cutting and binding machine, the cutting machine and the cutting machine had to name the machine and give the part a name that was suitable for identification。 I named the machine, and it has been used ever since, such as cloth pullers, friction wheels and cloth rollers。 no, no, no。 no, no, no。 People who have done mechanical design will feel the same way, and the designer is the father of machine products! Because the main purpose is to cut strips, cylindrical cloth or the cloth car into a cylinder, rolling cut into strips, so it is called cutting and rolling machine, although this machine plays an auxiliary role in clothing machinery, but it is very rare。 People who have used the cutting and rolling machine will feel the same way。 If they are not familiar with people who have not used it, they have no way to start! Yes, many teachers who have been engaged in sewing machine maintenance for more than 20 years have paid to adjust this machine for a long time, but they can‘t do it well!
