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英語習語:hold your own「堅定立場,不被擊敗」

  • 由 E語Tong 發表于 垂釣
  • 2021-10-15
簡介can hold his friends‘


Idiom of the Day

hold your own


Today: Sun, 18 Oct 2020


If you hold your own, you are as successful as other people in a situation, or as good as others at an activity。

如果您使用 hold your own, 那麼在某種情況下您會和其他人一樣成功,在某項活動中也會和其他人一樣出色。

For example:

Kelly‘s a great tennis player and she can hold her own against anyone in her class, including the boys。


Mark works so hard because he hates the thought of

not holding his own against

old school friends when it comes to earning money。

Quick Quiz

Steve is trying hard to improve at golf because when he plays with his friends he

a。 can hold his own

b。 can’t hold his own

c。 can hold his friends‘
