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  • 由 譯問 發表于 垂釣
  • 2021-08-18
簡介(Brody, 1994: 78)綜上,對於and、or及andor三個連詞,應儘量避免使用andor,而在翻譯過程中遇到該詞時,可根據不同的語境明確其含義,如果所有列出的專案都必須包括在內,不妨用X or Y or both,或者加個


“。。。we take our position with that distinguished company of lawyers who have condemned its use。 It is one of those inexcusable barbarisms which were sired by indolence and damned by indifference, and has no more place in legal terminology than the vernacular of Uncle Remus has in Holy Writ。 I am unable to divine how such senseless jargon becomes current。 The coiner of it certainly had no appreciation for terse and concise law English。”

對於and/or在法律英語中的使用,佛羅里達州最高法院(Supreme Court of Florida)如是說。可見,and/or在法律英語中並不是一個受歡迎的詞。

20世紀以來,and/or就備受英美法庭的指責。法律用語使用權威Bryan A。 Garner也表示,在法律英語使用and/or這一術語也極其有害,該詞含義模稜兩可,而法院又未對該術語作出一致的解釋,使得合同的惡意讀者有了可乘之機。李克興博士在《法律翻譯譯註評》中也曾說“and/or是法律文字撰寫人,尤其是律師慣用的體現“師爺”風格的用詞,任何法律文字的教科書都反對使用”,儘管使用者認為該詞為商務風的表現,但也很難排除使用者“賣弄風騷”的嫌疑。



邏輯上可以這樣解釋:如果是“X and/or Y”,意思為“X以及Y(即兩者)”,或“X或Y”。實際上,or本身就是一個具有爭議性質的詞語。“X or Y”本身就可以表示““X或Y,或者兩者都包括”。而and 通常指在一項選擇之外再加上另一項選擇,但有時and表達的含義也是模稜兩可。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may:

(1) sell the collateral or

(2) assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed。

銀行可以出售債務人(debtor)的擔保品(collateral),是否還可以向債務人收取相當於未付貸款額5%的遲付金(late fees)?根據這一段規定,債務人認為銀行只可以採取其中的一項措施,而銀行則認為可以“雙管齊下”。問題在於其中的or 是一個可以作模稜兩可解釋的詞。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may either:

(1) sell the collateral or

(2) assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may:

(1) sell the collateral,

(2) assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed, or

(3) both。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may only pursue one of the following options:

(1) sell the collateral,

(2) assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed, or

(3) declare the full amount of the indebtedness due and payable immediately。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may exercise one or more of the following options:

(1) sell the collateral,

(2) assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed, or

(3) declare the full amount of the indebtedness due and payable immediately。


If a debtor fails to make a payment when due, the bank may:

(1)sell the collateral,

(2)assess late fees of 5% of the amount missed, and

(3) declare the full amount of the indebtedness due and payable immediately。 (Brody, 1994:77–78)

在此情形中,語境和邏輯都告訴我們,and 與or 意思相同。但有時語境並不能幫上什麼忙。


Retired and disabled people are entitled to government surplus food。

讀完這個帶有and連線詞的規定,到底有權利享受政府剩餘食品的人必須是退休同時又是殘疾人士,還是隻要退休或者殘疾就可以享受?讀者從以上例句的字面上得不到答案。and給你的同樣是一個模稜兩可的選擇,讀者只能靠語境和邏輯作適當的推理,才可確定該and 究竟是二選一,還是必須符合其所連線的兩項要求,即既是退休人士又患有殘疾。

法律文字本著嚴謹的態度,為避免歧義,經常會出現幾個近義詞並列的情況,如“rights, titles, powers, discretions and exemptions”,而and/or也算是並列使用,但是它的使用又帶來了更多的歧義。所以,and、or及and/or為避免歧義,應該怎麼使用呢?



可能會有不少人譯為“The Liquidated Damages apply if Party A materially breaches its obligations under the Framework Agreement and/or Cooperation Agreement。”

但是,“The Liquidated Damages apply if Party A breaches the Framework Agreement or the Cooperation Agreement。”表述起來含義就更加清晰。也可以這樣表述“The Liquidated Damages apply if Party A breaches one or the other or both agreements。”

再如Retired and disabled people are entitled to government surplus food。為使含義更加清晰,就可以表述為:

Only people who are both retired and disabled are entitled to government surplus food。(達到這兩項要求才有資格享受政府的剩餘食品)。


Either retired people or disabled people are entitled to government surplus food。(只需達到其中一項要求便有資格)。(Brody, 1994: 78)

綜上,對於and、or及and/or三個連詞,應儘量避免使用and/or,而在翻譯過程中遇到該詞時,可根據不同的語境明確其含義,如果所有列出的專案都必須包括在內,不妨用X or Y or both,或者加個only,all或together,這樣一來,所用的or或and就不會再有歧義了。此外,如果要連線三項或三項以上的事物,還可以用one or more of。。。,any or all (of)。。。的短語去表述。


This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts with each such counterpart deemed to be an original hereof and all of such counterparts deemed to be one and the same Agreement。(本協議可簽署生效一份或多份副本,每份副本視為協議原本,所有此類副本視為完全一致的協議。)

This Agreement supersedes any or all prior agreements, written or oral, between Party A and Party B, and constitutes the complete agreement between the parties。(本協議替代甲方和乙方之間以前的所有書面或是口頭的協議。)




