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看美劇英語閱讀:The dress is a one of a kind

  • 由 英語老師覃冠平 發表于 籃球
  • 2022-03-28
簡介網路字典:One of a kindunique這是最簡單的查英英字典,雖然也“不需要中文”,而是藉助(已知)英語知道了英語one of a kind“什麼意思”

a kind 什麼意思

看美劇英語閱讀:The dress is a one of a kind


看美劇英語閱讀:The dress is a one of a kind





1。 網路字典:One of a kind


這是最簡單的查英英字典,雖然也“不需要中文”,而是藉助(已知)英語知道了英語one of a kind“什麼意思”。但是也是最沒效果的方法:你只得到一個英語單詞釋義,只是“思維碎片”,根本沒有由此形成完整的“英語思維”:說一句完整的英語句子(口語)。

2。Free dictionary:One of a kind

a person or thing that is not like any other person or thing

3。Cambridge:One of a kind

3a。the only person or thing of a particular type:

3b。used to describe a product or service that is the only one of its type, or that is very unusual:

不用英語學英語,你就沒有機會把學過的英語unique,unusual,only one等同義詞“互為理解”“互為解釋”。

4。Collins:One of a kind

If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them。


看美劇英語閱讀:The dress is a one of a kind

二、我們透過“讀”美劇The dress is a one of a kind,我們“說的”還是英語:

Okay。I got you。If you say someone or something is one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them,they are unique,they‘re the only one/the best one of its kind,they’re not like any other person or thing

看美劇英語閱讀:The dress is a one of a kind


For example

1。She‘s a very unusual woman, one of a kind。

2。I don’t know how we‘ll ever replace Mary after she retires。 She’s really one of a kind。
