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  • 2021-10-15
簡介牛津英語線上詞典對於finger一詞的釋義是這樣的:each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is inclu


Is a thumb a finger?




The OxfordDictionaries。com definition for finger is as follows: ‘each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included)’。 This wording implies that, while the thumb isn’t typically regarded as a finger, there is enough evidence of this use to include it in the definition。 Although thumbs have certain similarities to fingers, there are some key differences。 It’s therefore more accurate to describe a thumb as one of five digits that we have on each hand, rather than as a finger。

牛津英語線上詞典對於finger一詞的釋義是這樣的:each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included)(與每隻手相連的四個纖細的連線部分——也可以說是五個連線部分,如果大拇指也算的話)。從這個釋義中,我們可以推斷出:儘管大拇指不是典型意義上的手指,但從定義上看,其功能與四個手指基本相同。但是,儘管大拇指與手指存在某些相似點,它們之間仍然存有一些重要的不同點。因此,如果要給大拇指下定義的話,最好不要說它也是手指,而是把它描述為每隻手的五個指關節之一。


‘Digit’ is the technical term which covers fingers, thumbs, and toes in humans, and similar appendages in some animals。 The thumb is the short, thick first digit of the human hand。 The other four digits are our fingers。



What are the similarities and distinctions between the thumb and the four fingers? Some are obvious: all five digits on our hands are jointed and have nails on one surface of the uppermost joint, and a unique pattern of fingerprints (or thumbprints) on the other surface of that joint。 However, the thumb only consists of one joint and two phalanges, whereas the other four digits have two joints and three phalanges。 The thumb is set lower on the hand and apart from the fingers。 The thumbs of humans and other primates (such as chimpanzees) are opposable: we can move our thumb to face and touch the other digits of the same hand, which enables us to carry out a wide range of manual actions that animals with non-opposable digits are unable to perform。



