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英語學習|名畫《送給老師的向日葵》賞析|溫斯洛荷馬Winslow Homer

  • 由 簡法不錯 發表于 綜合
  • 2022-01-03


英語學習|名畫《送給老師的向日葵》賞析|溫斯洛荷馬Winslow Homer


We present today‘s work and description thanks to the Georgia Museum of Art。

英語學習|名畫《送給老師的向日葵》賞析|溫斯洛荷馬Winslow Homer


英語學習|名畫《送給老師的向日葵》賞析|溫斯洛荷馬Winslow Homer




In the decade following the conclusion of the Civil War, Winslow Homer painted several images of African Americans, including this one。 In this small, intimate format, Homer shows a lone child, wearing partially torn and patched clothing, sitting on a wood log in a lush green forest。 With his arms crossed at the wrists as if bound, the boy holds a large, brilliant sunflower in his right hand。 A monarch butterfly, a symbol of freedom and of metamorphosis, rests on the boy’s left shoulder。 The image, although paternalistic, speaks to the importance of education for Black citizens as well as the difficulty in achieving it。

在重建時期,黑人公民需要基本的識字技能來確保他們自己的權利,甚至在戰爭結束之前,南方的許多地方就已經出現了專門為被解放的人開設的學校。 1867 年 11 月 9 日的《哈珀週刊》刊登了一篇文章,稱:“字母表是廢奴主義者。如果你想讓一個人被奴役,就拒絕教他們閱讀。

”During the Reconstruction era, basic literacy skills were required for Black citizens to secure their own rights, and schools dedicated to freed people emerged in many parts of the South even before the war ended。 The November 9, 1867, edition of Harper’s Weekly included an article stating, “The alphabet is an abolitionist。 If you would keep a people enslaved refuse to teach them to read。”

英語學習|名畫《送給老師的向日葵》賞析|溫斯洛荷馬Winslow Homer


Winslow Homer (February 24, 1836 – September 29, 1910) was an American landscape painter and printmaker, best known for his marine subjects。 He is considered one of the foremost painters in 19th-century America and a preeminent figure in American art。
