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九年級英語Units1-7 單元專項彙編——完成句子

  • 由 歲月永恆 發表于 武術
  • 2021-06-02


2020-2021學年九年級英語Units1-7 單元專項習題彙編——完成句子

九年級英語Units1-7 單元專項彙編——完成句子

Unit One

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。

1。 大聲朗讀有助於你培養語感。

_______ _______ can help you to develop a sense of language。


As we all know, ________ comes from ________。

3。 我第一次到成都,就喜歡上了這個城市。

I_______ _______ _______ ______ Chengdu when I came to the city for the first time。

4。 你讀得快慢主要取決於你的詞彙量和閱讀習慣。

Whether or not you read fast mainly_______ ________ your vocabulary and reading habits。

5。 優秀的初學者會把所學的知識反覆練習,並且他們不怕出錯

Good learners will _______ _______ what they have learned,and they are not afraid of _______ mistakes。

6。 我認為在最近幾年裡我們已經對鄉村留守兒童的教育問題給予了關注。

I think we have already __ ___ ___ the education problems of children left behind in villages in recent years。

7。 幸運的是,他母親很有耐心,沒有放棄幫助他。

Luckily, his mother was very __________ and didn’t give ________ ________ him。


The Belt and Road aims to_______Asia with Europe and Africa, and help with the _________of the countries along the routes。

Unit Two

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。

1。 他已經胖了10斤了。

He’s _________ __________ 10 pounds。

2。 有些人直到失去健康才意識到健康的重要性。

Some people won’t realize the ___________of their health___________ they lose it 。

3。 你不應該拒絕邀請他,他已把這個訊息到處傳播。

You shouldn’t __________to invite him,he has _________the news everywhere。

4。 “不服來戰”已經成為一句流行語。

“If you don’t _________ me ,let’s ________ each other。”


Sometimes our vision clears only after the tears _______ _______ our eyes。


Not every dream will come true, not every job will ________ _________ with a success。The most beautiful scenery is on the way。


We didn’t like it at first,but we ______ ______cheering。


If you don’t choose carefully when shopping online , you’ll___ ____ ____ more money than you want to save 。


People from different counties also need to________love and________。

Unit Three

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。

1。 老師通常花五分鐘的時間來匯入新課。

The teacher usually _______ five minutes _______into his class,

2。 當我路過她的教室時,看到她靜靜地正在讀書。

I saw her ______ a book in silence when I _______ _______ her classroom。

3。 人們記得,在最艱苦的條件下,為了幫助別人,他日復一日多麼努力地工作。

People remember ______ ______ he worked day after day in the worst possible conditions to help others。

4。 在不同的情景下運用恰當的語言會使人們更好地進行交流。

Using the right language in different situations will help you ______ better _______other people。

5。 直到他說話,我才發現他是揚州人。

I didn‘t know he ________ from Yangzhou ________ he said a word

6。 大家正盼望著暑假呢。

We are _________ ________ to the summer holiday。

7。 我想知道為什麼你今天上學又遲到了。

I want to know _________ you _________ _________ for school again today。

8。 成功來自於艱苦的工作。

Hard work_______ _______ success。

Unit Four

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


Love was totally _______ _________ Tom’s childhood。


I saw there_______only a small number of students_______basketball on the playground。


Are you_______?I just want a _______conversation with you。


The soldiers______ _____until the end of the battle,so the general spoke highly of them。


The actions and words of pop stars can have a great______ _____teenagers so they should pay

more_______ to their behaviors and speech。


Success needs a lot of ______ and hard work , Granny Moses _______ _______drawing at the age of seventy, she ________ it in the end。


I only regret that ,due to prior commitments,I can’t be with you_____ ______。


Tom was_______to give a general_______in a job interview。

9。 媽媽決定親自感謝老師對我的幫助。

Mother decided to thank my teacher______ _______ for his help。

10。 她透過從事演唱,成功地應對了害羞的毛病。

She ________ ________ her shyness by ______ _______ singing。

11。 明星走到哪兒都備受關注。

Stars get ______ _______ _______wherever they go。

12。 開始的時候他有點害怕這個老師。

He _______ a little_______ _______ the teacher at first。

13。 今天我以學校為榮,明天學校以我為傲。

Today I’m _______ of my school and tomorrow my school will _______ _______ in my success。


How much you can achieve ______ _______ how hard you have worked。


He thought about _______ up singing , but he_______ ______ in the end 。


China’s Internet new media company,as a new producer,has got________ _______attention。

Unit Five

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


_______ _______ _______ I know, Siemens was set up in the 1840s。

2。 按照中國歷史,孔明燈首先被諸葛孔明使用。

Chinese history, sky lanterns ______ first ________ _______ Zhuge Kongming。

3。 不論你在哪裡,總能發現中國製造的產品。

______ _______ where you are, you will always find _______ _______ in China。

4。 這個房間空了很久了,現在桌子上滿是灰塵。

The room ______ ______ empty for long, so the table is _______ _______ thick dust 。

5。 讓我們燒點熱水洗洗腳吧。

Let’s _______ some water ______ wash our feet。


Firecrackers _______ ________ _______ festivals and other _______。


In order to _______ ________ resources, we must recycle them as much as possible。

8。 生日蠟燭點燃了,它像小孩夢中,那閃亮的希望。

The birthday candle _______ ________,it shone like the hope in children’s dream。


Grandparents might be ______ ______spoiling(溺愛)grandchildren,but a new study says they might also be helping the kids improve their social skills and behaviors。


With the coming of new technologies like computers and smart phones,writing_____ _____has become something of a nostalgic skill。

Unit Six

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


I met Tom on the bus ________ _______。 We haven’t seen for ten years

2。 邁克爾。傑克遜被全世界的人所推崇。

Michael Jackson was ______ _______ ______ by people all over the world。


The Chinese are________ ________ the people that best understand the ______ of tea。

4。 上週我們學校舉行了經典名著閱讀比賽。

Last week the _______ reading competition _______ place in our school。1-cn-j

5。 近幾年來,濟南的西部發生了巨大的變化。

Western Jinan _______ _______ a lot in the last few years。

6。 微信在中國手機使用者中越來越普及了。

The ________ of WeChat _______ _______ for mobile phone users around China。

7。 王老師知識淵博,經驗豐富,談論問題總是切中要害。

Mr。Wang is ________ and has rich experience, he always _____ ______ _____ about the problem。

8。他能自信的表達,總是能說到點子上。 He can express something confidently and always ______ a _______。


Success in life doesn’t happen______ ________。it’s the result of devoting your time and energy to what you’ve set out to do。


Thanks to the Korean drama Man From the Star , the______ of beer and fried chicken ,the new

mixed-and-match junk food has______among the young。


Too many forest can_____the wind _____blowing the sand away。

Unit 7

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。

1。 我懊悔跟媽媽頂嘴,沒有聽媽媽的話。

I regret _______ _________to my mom, not listening to her。

2。 在公園裡遊客應該被阻止踩踏草地

The visitors______ _______ _______ from stepping on the grass in the park。

3。 我們不反對跑步。

We have nothing ___________ ____________。

4。 你認為我們必須讓青少年遠離網路嗎?

Do you think we must teenagers the Internet?

5。 只有做完了,你才可以下班回家。

Only when the work is _______ , _______ ______be able to go back home。

6。 孩子,你的粗心正在妨礙你的進步。

My dear, your carelessness is ______ _______ the way of your progress。

7。 我們都渴望呼吸新鮮的空氣,並一直支援任何保護環境的決定。

We are all thirty for clean air to breathe and are always _______ any decision to _____ the environment。


Fear has _______in the _______of your forward footstep,you have to overcome it。


The recently hot TV drama Descendents of the Sun《太陽的後裔》has made the__________of a traditional South Korean dish keep___________in China, which The hero cooked Samgyetang ,or ginseng chicken soup,for the heroin。

10。物理學家史蒂芬。霍金坐在他的輪椅上與病魔抗爭了 50 多年,這讓他成為一部活生生的教育大片。

The physicist Stephen Hawking had “walked” in his wheelchair and______ illness for over 50 years, which made him to be a living_________movie。


Han Xue said that outgoing actors could truly show their_______abilities when she was ________by The Sound。

Units 1-5 月考

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


Li Lei got of in I Am a Singer。


You’d better think about it carefully before a 。


I in Chinese inventions after visiting the museum last week。


Many traffic accident by driving after drinking 。


They don’t know how to the coming rainstorm。


When we talk about autumn , we often_________the yellow and golden leaves_______it。


After watching the movie The Bravest ,she ________ _____crying her eyes out。

8。Jack 的工作能力讓他更擅長應對這些問題。

Jack’s work ability made him better at______ _____these problems。


The poem Prelude to Water Melody by Su Shi_______widely______by Chinese people。


Cash payment has_________the way of our life and it is really _______for us。

Units 1-6 月考

完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


It’s very important to teach children how to______ ______all kinds of problems in their daily lives。


He practiced again and again in order to______ ______the same mistake。


Now the students in the class are______ ______several groups to have English classes in our school。


Many famous Chinese literature works are______ into different languages to_______Chinese culture。


All the Chinese______ ______in Youyou Tu because she won the Nobel Prize in medicine。


People debate why we haven’t made TV plays popular “My love from the Star”。


We must to prevent the flu from ______ 。


In a country full of desire, talent and ideas, China will______ ______ become a world leader in information technology。


_______ _______ ______you are, you will inevitably buy something ______ ______ China。


As far as we know, potato chips are invented_______ _________。


As a Chinese, we_______ ________ in the _________ of the volunteers。


High___________ makes our life________, but it also keeps many people up late。


Thanks to the Korean drama Man From the Star , the______ of beer and fried chicken ,the new

mixed-and-match junk food has______among the young。


完成句子 根據漢語意思完成英語句子,每個空格填一個單詞。


It’s a good habit to ______________ __________ the new words in a dictionary。


I __________ ________ in the development of China after watching the film called Amazing China last week 。


George is ______________ __________ the best basketball player in our school。


People‘s characters are _______________ ____________ four colors according to his theory。

100。 100多個國家和國際組織積極支援和參與“一帶一路”建設。

Over 100 countries and _____________ organizations have ____________ and taken part in the Belt and Road actively。


The English teacher in Yuying work late______ time_______ time。


The newest robot Atlas made by Boston Dynamics is_______ ______ doing backflips。


The bad condition of the environment is not_________ _______ we must improve it。

104。 4月1日的一則公告,令雄安一夜之間從默默無聞的小城變成了全中國家喻戶曉的名字。

With a report made on April 1, Xiongan_________ _________ from nowhere to become a household name in China overnight。


People in Jinan________a _______to build the national civilized city, and at last made it。
