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多義詞 “credit” 的幾種用法

  • 由 越陽英語 發表于 足球
  • 2022-02-20
簡介首先,用 “credit” 表達 “學分” 的意思,比如:Chloe and Jacob enrolled in a documentary course worth 20 credits


多義詞 “credit” 的幾種用法

信用卡在當今社會中已經非常普遍,它的英文說法 “credit card” 當中用到了單詞 “credit”。這裡,“credit” 可以簡單地理解為“信用”。此外,一般國內外的高校都規定學生必須修滿一定的 “學分 credits”,才允許其繼續學習或畢業。

“Credit” 還有其它的用法嗎?先來聽一段故事。故事中,學生 Chloe 和 Jacob 兩人決定共同拍攝電影短片。

Chloe and Jacob enrolled in a documentary course worth 20 credits。 Their assignment was to make a short film。 They needed to buy a camera。 They found one at a shop, but when they were paying Jacob found out his bank account was out of credit。 Chloe used her credit card to pay and Jacob said he‘d pay her back – which he never did。 When the assignment was due, they showed their film to the class。 The teacher was very pleased and said they were a credit to the college。 As the end credits rolled, Chloe noticed the absence of her name。 Jacob had taken all the credit。 Chloe demanded credit where credit was due, or she would ask the teacher not to give him any credit at all。


這個故事的大意是:Chloe 和 Jacob是兩名在校生。他們選修了紀錄片課程,在拍片過程中,Chloe 墊錢買裝置,但事後 Jacob不但沒有還錢而且還把功勞全攬給了自己。

單詞 “credit” 多次出現。首先,用 “credit” 表達 “學分” 的意思,比如:Chloe and Jacob enrolled in a documentary course worth 20 credits。 他們倆選修的紀錄片課程計20學分。還有一處用 credit 表示 “學分”:… or she would ask the teacher not to give him any credit at all。 否則她將讓老師不要給 Jacob 計學分。

不過,除了用於在談論和 “學習、學術” 有關的語境中,“credit” 還和 “金錢” 有關。首先,“credit” 可以指 “賬戶中的餘額、結餘”。比如,故事中提到,Jacob 銀行卡里沒有餘額了,這裡就用到了 “credit”:… Jacob found out his bank account was out of credit。 再比如,在下面這個例句中,“credit” 指學生卡里的餘額。

I can’t print anything at the library。 My student card has run out of credit。 我在圖書館裡什麼也沒法列印。我學生卡里沒錢了。

“Credit” 還有另外一個和 “金錢” 有關的含義,即 “信用、信譽”,尤其指某人借錢後是否按時還款的 “信用”。比如,銀行通常在給人貸款之前會進行 “credit check 信用審查”,並給申請者一個 “信用評分 credit score 或 credit rating”。Chloe 發現 Jacob 沒錢付款的時候,用自己的 “信用卡” 買下了拍片裝置,這裡,“credit card” 中的 “credit” 也表示“信用”:Chloe used her credit card to pay。

單詞 “credit” 還有一個常用意思就是 “讚揚、認可、功勞、榮譽”。在故事中,Jacob 把兩人合作的成果全部歸功於自己,“Jacob had taken all the credit。”;Chloe認為自己的貢獻也應該得到認可,這裡也用到了 “credit”:Chloe demanded credit where credit was due… 表達 “credit where credit is due” 的意思是 “應得的表揚和認可”;老師誇他們倆是 a credit to the college,這裡 credit 的意思是 “學校的驕傲、光榮。

最後,“credit” 還可以表示影視作品結尾出現的 “演職人員表”,由於演職人員名單上通常不是隻有一個人,所以我們多用它的複數形式 “credits”。比如:As the end credits rolled, Chloe noticed the absence of her name。 當片尾演職人員表出現時,Chloe 發現上面並沒有自己的名字。

以上就是單詞 “credit”作名詞時所包含的意思和用法。總結一下:“credit” 可以表示 “學分”;在談論和 “金錢” 有關的話題時,也有 “餘額;信用” 的含義;我們還可以用 “credit” 來指 “讚揚、認可、功勞、光榮”;最後,“credit” 也可以指電影結束時在螢幕上滾動的 “演職人員名單”。


enroll 英 [ɪn’rəʊl] 美 [ɪn‘rol] v。 參加;登記;註冊;

documentary 英 [dɒkjʊ’ment(ə)rɪ] 美 [‘dɑkjə’mɛntri] adj。 記錄的;檔案的;記實的 n。 紀錄片

due 英 [djuː] 美 [du] adj。 到期的;預期的;應付的;應得的 n。 應付款;應得之物
