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  • 由 快樂源泉的小粉絲 發表于 垂釣
  • 2022-02-23
簡介Or am I falling out of sight,亦或者你已對我視而不見,It’s always the hardest thing,傾聽你靈魂之語,To listen to your soul,常是這世間困難至極之事,When s



It’s always the little things,最是那些微不足道的事情,That seep into your soul,才能在不經意間滲入你靈魂深處,How can I lie here still awake?要不然我怎會徹夜未眠?Something inside of me is telling me to go,內心有個聲音勸誡我離你而去,I’ve been waiting to tell you so,我也一直等待著與你告別,Take me home and make it right,帶我歸家 重返愛途,I long to see the light,我渴望再見曙光破曉,I’m waiting for a sign,亦等待著好轉的跡象,And I don’t know if we should part,我不知道我們是否應該就此別離,What does it mean if we give up,若是我們放棄了彼此又意味著什麼,How can I still feel this love for all that we’ve been through,為何我們曾經的愛戀仍縈繞心間,And I don’t know what I should say,我不知道該如何言語,Is it the time to walk away,我們是否已然緣盡?Should we let go or should we stay,我們是該放手還是該相守?And find a way through,或者找尋一種方式渡過難關,Take me home and make it right,帶我歸家 重返愛途,Can you still see the best of me,你可還能看見我至瑧的一面?Or am I falling out of sight,亦或者你已對我視而不見,It’s always the hardest thing,傾聽你靈魂之語,To listen to your soul,常是這世間困難至極之事,When something is telling you to go,當冥冥之中有個聲音告訴你遠離,A part of you wants to fight,你心有抗爭之意,And part just fly away,也想要遠走高飛,How I long to tell you so,我多渴望向你傾訴心中繾綣,And I don’t know if we should part,我不知道我們是否應該就此別離,What does it mean if we give up,若是我們放棄了彼此又意味著什麼,How can I still feel this love,為何我們曾有的愛戀,For all that we’ve been through,仍縈繞心間,And is it time to walk away,是時候與彼此揮別了麼?Should we let go or should we stay,我們是該放手還是該相守?How do you know when something’s too far gone to get back to,你又怎會發覺 有些事情已無法挽回,Take me home and make it right,帶我歸家 重返愛途,Can you still see the best in me,你可還能看見我至瑧的一面?Or am I falling,Am I falling,Am I falling out of sight…,亦或者你已對我視而不見。 分享郭頂/Rachael Yamagata的單曲《It‘s Always The Little Things》: http://music。163。com/song/1327566544/?userid=436529744 (來自@網易雲音樂)
