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學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?

  • 由 忐忑英語覃冠平 發表于 垂釣
  • 2021-10-27
簡介學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思


學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?



“學霸”是這樣學習英語a square meal“什麼意思”問題。

學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?

一、動手查英英字典,而且是多查幾家字典比對用詞:Yahoo a square meal


a satisfying meal that fills you and provides you with all the different types of food that your body needs in order to stay healthy。

用詞有點難度,對吧?但至少可以記住a satisfying meal and fills us


a full or complete meal

Okay。Got you。原來square。 是a full meal,a complete meal啊!說白了還是a satisfying meal


A filling meal,a nourishing meal,a satisfying meal with enough to eat

A nourishing meal不就是上面的to stay healthy的同義表達嗎?A filling meal不就是meal with enough to eat嗎?


學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?


A meal big enough to satisfy you。

a filling meal,a satisfying meal,a nourishibg meal,a big meal,a full meal,不都是一個意思嗎?

學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?

二、英譯英口語訓練:Okay.I got you

1。Okay。I got you。A square meal means a full meal,a complete meal,a satisfying meal,a filling meal,a big meal。

2。A square meal fills us and keeps us healthy=so we will say healthy。

從此以後你見到英語a square meal能像學霸那樣直接“說”這些英語嗎?或者只能“說”中文:什麼意思啊?

學霸這樣學英語:a square meal到底什麼意思?

三、Some examples

1。 They haven‘t had a square meal(=a full meal) for four or five days。

2。 School kids receive three square meals a day。

