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mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

  • 由 梨梨學英語 發表于 籃球
  • 2022-02-21
簡介1911年出版的《An Irish Beauty of the Regency》中,有收納那本雜誌的摘錄,那段話是這樣說的:Someone the other day asked the Prince of Wales at the Anc


嗨,大家好!我們知道mutton有“羊肉”的意思,lamb有“羊羔,小羊”的意思,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思?

mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

mutton dressed as lamb

的意思是“a way of describing an older woman who is dressed in a style that is more suitable for a younger woman”,即“扮俏或裝嫩的婦女”。

mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

這句習語最早出現在1811年Frances Calvert 夫人編撰的《社會八卦雜誌》上。 1911年出版的《An Irish Beauty of the Regency》中,有收納那本雜誌的摘錄,那段話是這樣說的:

Someone the other day asked the Prince of Wales at the Ancient Music whether he did not think some girl pretty。 ‘Girl!’ answered he, ‘Girls are not to my taste。 I don’t like lamb; but

mutton dressed like lamb


mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

在這段話中,威爾士親王把女孩比作lamb,mutton dressed like lamb比作打扮得像女孩的那些女子,所以mutton dressed like lamb這句習語後來就引申為“扮俏或裝嫩的婦女”的意思啦!

mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思


Alice, do you think this dress is too young-looking for me? Oh, I don’t want to look like

mutton dressed as lamb


mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

At first sight, I thought she was so attractive, but in a better light, I realized she was

mutton dressed up as lamb


mutton是羊肉,lamb是羊羔,那mutton dressed as lamb是什麼意思

