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閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

  • 由 劉凱老師 發表于 籃球
  • 2021-11-26
簡介In the late 1990s, the effects of the bark beetle epidemic rippled throughout Alaska’s white spruce ecosystem and affect




閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

Over the twentieth century, global temperatures increased by an average of about 0。7 degrees Celsius, but some places have warmed a lot more than this, and other places have warmed less。 These temperature increases have been enough to trigger changes in ecosystems all over the world, especially in places where the warming has been the greatest。 In some places, the changes have been


, perhaps a slight shift in vegetation that only a careful observer would notice。 In other cases, small changes in climate have sparked a chain of larger effects, leading to massive changes。

The biggest climate-caused ecosystem shifts today are happening at the world‘s most northern latitudes, where the temperature over the last century has been rising about two times faster than the global average。 In the northernmost state of the United States, Alaska, for example, warming has paved the way for a spike in the numbers of spruce bark beetles。 Bark beetles have been a pest to Alaskan white spruce trees for thousands of years, but their numbers were held in check by the cold climate, which forced the insects to hide in the bark of individual trees for most of the year。 As the length of the warm season increased over the 1980s and 1990s, however, bark beetles had more time to fly from one tree to the next, burrow, and lay their eggs between the bark and the wood。 The beetles had another thing going for them, too: a multi-year drought had weakened many of the spruce trees, leaving them vulnerable to attack。 In the mid-1990s, the bark beetle population exploded, and over the next few years the pests wiped out white spruce forests over an area the size of the U。S。 state of Connecticut。 In the years since, the combined forces of a longer insect-breeding season and forest management practices that left forests overcrowded gave way to similar epidemics farther south。 Large swaths of pine and spruce have been destroyed by insects in several other parts of the United States。

In the late 1990s, the effects of the bark beetle epidemic rippled throughout Alaska’s white spruce ecosystem and affected virtually every population of living organisms, but not all of the impacts were negative。 Fewer spruce trees meant a sunnier area in the forest below the treetops, which allowed grasses to move in and take hold。 The grasses, in turn, changed the soil temperature, making the environment more friendly for some other types of vegetation。 Animals that feed on grasses, including moose, elk, and some birds, also benefited。 But the beetle infestation was bad news for organisms that rely on white spruce for their habitat, like hawks, owls, red squirrels, and voles。 Volesa type of small, mouselike rodentare an especially vital part of the ecosystem because they help spread mycorrhizal fungi, which attach to the roots of plants and help them take in water and nutrients。 Voles are also an important food for a number of predators。

Ecosystem changes always hurt some living creatures and help others。 [▇] It‘s hard to say, therefore, whether a change is good or bad overall。 [▇] Instead, ecologists (people who study ecosystems) often focus on the impacts on a single species: for instance, us。 [▇] In the short term, the Alaskan spruce beetle epidemic supplied a lot of people with firewood, but only by destroying tons of otherwise valuable timber and threatening the livelihoods of loggers。 And no one knows for sure what the long-term impacts on the forest will be。 Ecosystems tend to return to their previous states after disturbances like pest outbreaks, fires, or major storm events, but if the Alaskan spruce ecosystem is disturbed too often or too much, it might shift to a different type of forest, a woodland, or a grassland instead。 [▇]

In extreme cases, major assaults on ecosystems can lead to a total collapse in which the ecosystem doesn’t bounce back to the way it was or transition to a new, healthy state。 The result is an area with very little life; in the oceans, biologists refer to these areas as dead zones。 One such example is the coral reef die-off that happened in the Indian Ocean in the late 1990s。

閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

Alaska and Bark Beetles


A。to limited


C。not obvious



The word “subtle” in the passage is closest in meaning to

A。By making it possible for a beetle to deposit its eggs in a greater number of trees

B。By making it possible for beetles to survive in the bark of trees for longer lengths of time

C。By making it unnecessary for a beetle to protect its eggs by laying them between the bark and the wood

D。By increasing the number of spruce trees, thereby providing the beetles with far more places to live


A。Paragraph 2 explains the causes of the spruce bark beetle epidemic in Alaska, and paragraph 3 discusses the chain of events that occurred as a result of that epidemic。

B。Paragraph 2 shows that warming air temperatures can affect a large number of species, and paragraph 3 shows that warming soil temperatures can have even greater effects。

C。Paragraph 2 discusses one explanation for the disappearance of spruce trees from a part of Alaska, but paragraph 3 shows that an alternative explanation is more likely to be correct。

D。Paragraph 2 describes the negative consequences of climate warming for some species, but paragraph 3 shows that there are also some positive consequences for these same species。

Paragraph 2 suggests that the warming of the Alaskan climate affected bark beetles in which of the following ways

3.Which of the following statements most accurately describes the relationship of paragraph 3 to paragraph 2

A。The epidemic increased the availability of water for these animals。

B。The epidemic increased the availability of food for these animals。

C。The epidemic destroyed the habitat of these animals。

D。The epidemic meant that these animals experienced more competition from hawks, owls, red squirrels, and voles。


A。Some predators may have less to eat。

B。Hawk and red squirrel populations may be more successful。

C。Plants may find it more difficult to absorb water and nutrients。

D。Mycorrhizal fungi numbers may increase。

According to paragraph 3, which of the following effects did the bark beetle epidemic have on moose, elk, and some birds

5.According to paragraph 3, a decline in the vole population in Alaska may have which TWO of the following consequences To receive credit, you must select TWO answer choices.

A。Ecosystems like the spruce ecosystem in Alaska tend to return to their previous states after disturbances such as pest outbreaks, fires, or major storm events。

B。While ecosystems tend to return to their previous states after disturbances, the Alaskan spruce ecosystem might not if it is disturbed too often or too much。

C。Ecosystems tend to return to their previous states after disturbances, so Alaska might again become covered with woodlands or grasslands。

D。After certain types of disturbances such as pest outbreaks, ecosystems do not always return to their previous states but shift to being woodlands or grasslands instead。


Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A。Ecosystems that totally collapsed

B。Ecosystems that transitioned to a new, healthy state

C。Ecosystems that bounced back to the way they were

D。Ecosystems that were affected by a nearby dead zone


In paragraph 5, coral reefs in the Indian Ocean are presented as an example of which of the following

A。Why has the temperature at northern latitudes been rising faster than the global average

B。Why did corals in the Indian Ocean die off in the late 1990s

C。What types of vegetation benefited from the change in soil temperatures in Alaska

D。What were some of the effects of the bark beetle epidemic for humans

9。Look at the four squares[▇] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage。 Where would the sentence best fit?



An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below。 Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage。 Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage。 This questions is worth 2 points。

A。Global warming has led to changes in ecosystems all over the world, with ecosystems at northern latitudes being affected the most。

B。A longer warm season in Alaska caused a sharp increase in the number of bark beetles, leading to the destruction of spruce forests, which in turn seriously affected many other species。

C。Sometimes ecosystems are able to recover from disturbances or to develop into different, but healthy, systems, but in extreme cases, they may collapse completely。

D。The loss of spruce forests caused an epidemic in mycorrhizal fungi, and these fungi damaged the roots of many plants, making them unable to take in water and nutrients。

E。Whereas some types of changes are good for the majority of species in an ecosystem, ecologists believe that most disturbances to ecosystems are bad overall。

F。Coral reefs may die off as a result of the global increase in temperatures, but after a transition period as a dead zone, they are able to return to their original state。

閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

The passage provides an answer to which of the following questions

But even from this limited perspective, the answer is not completely straightforward.

閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

Alaska and Bark Beetles






閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲




2。答題解析:答案:A;此段講氣候的影響講了兩點:(1)As the length of the warm season increased over the 1980s and 1990s, however, bark beetles had more time to fly from one tree to the next, burrow, and lay their eggs between the bark and the wood。有更長的時間在樹木之間來回穿梭併產卵。(2)The beetles had another thing going for them, too: a multi-year drought had weakened many of the spruce trees, leaving them vulnerable to attack。使更多的數容易被攻擊和理由,綜合兩點來看,deposit its eggs in a greater number of trees是可能實現的,A對。BCD均無支援。

3。答題解析:答案:A;第二段講了spruce bark beetle epidemic in Alaska發生的過程,第三段講了是the effects of the bark beetle epidemic,有好有壞,BUT之前講的好的,BUT之後講的壞的,D肯定不對,因為BUT之後為意思中心講的是壞處。A講後續events,即為the effects of the bark beetle epidemic意思

4。答題解析:答案:B;The grasses, in turn, changed the soil temperature, making the environment more friendly for some other types of vegetation。 Animals that feed on grasses, including moose, elk, and some birds, also benefited。顯然是B。

5。答題解析:答案是A和C;解析:Voles a type of small, mouselike rodent are an especially vital part of the ecosystem because they help spread mycorrhizal fungi, which attach to the roots of plants and help them take in water and nutrients。而現在Voles數量減少了,故C對D錯。Voles are also an important food for a number of predators。,現在Voles數量減少了,A對,B無體現。

6。答題解析:答案:B。轉折句,雖然ecosystem有恢復力,但是如果ALSKAN的生態系統被disturb太多,就可能恢復不了,而是變成另外一種生態系統。A只有“雖然”後的意思,沒有“但是”後所強調的重要資訊,C的Alaska might again become covered with woodlands or grasslands與原文“但是”後的資訊相反,D的資訊有錯,原文說的是Alaskan spruce ecosystem是否能恢復,並非討論一般的ecosystems。B的話是對原句的轉述。

7。答題解析:答案:A;講One such example is the coral reef die-off that happened in the Indian Ocean in the late 1990s。【其中一個例子就是上世紀90年代末發生在印度洋的珊瑚礁滅絕。】是為了印證前面的In extreme cases, major assaults on ecosystems can lead to a total collapse in which the ecosystem doesn’t bounce back to the way it was or transition to a new, healthy state。 The result is an area with very little life; in the oceans, biologists refer to these areas as dead zones。,【在極端情況下,對生態系統的重大攻擊可能導致生態系統的全面崩潰,無法恢復到原來的狀態或過渡到一個新的、健康的狀態。結果是一個幾乎沒有生命的區域;在海洋中,生物學家稱這些區域為死亡區。】顯然為A。D錯在affected by a nearby dead zone


ABC均無法回答,而第四段的In the short term, the Alaskan spruce beetle epidemic supplied a lot of people with firewood, but only by destroying tons of otherwise valuable timber and threatening the livelihoods of loggers。 And no one knows for sure what the long-term impacts on the forest will be。【在短期內,阿拉斯加雲杉甲蟲的流行為人們提供了大量的柴火,但它摧毀了數噸原本很有價值的木材,並威脅到伐木工的生計。沒有人確切知道對森林的長期影響會是什麼。】長期effects不知,但一些短期effects,如有更多的木柴,所以D對,這裡說的是some of the effects,不一定要知道total effects。


前文應該提到this limited perspective,根據語境知指對人類的effects,即只看對人類的影響不看對整個生態的影響。後面要具體闡述為什麼not completely straightforward。對應C,C前面說focus on the impacts on a single species: for instance, us。,C之後說短期可能有益,長期對人類影響未知,有壞有好,長短期effects不一樣,故顯得not completely straightforward。

10。答題解析:答案:A B C;

D錯在epidemic in mycorrhizal fungi,原文講的是Voles數量變少,影響到mycorrhizal fungi的擴散,並非造成了mycorrhizal fungi因傳染病而亡。E的話,第四段說Ecosystem changes always hurt some living creatures and help others。 It’s hard to say, therefore, whether a change is good or bad overall。。F的but after a transition period as a dead zone, they are able to return to their original state。沒有體現。A注意到第二段論點The biggest climate-caused ecosystem shifts today are happening at the world’s most northern latitudes, where the temperature over the last century has been rising about two times faster than the global average。B為第二段和第三段的概括,C為第四段和第五段的概括。

閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲

閱讀理解真題解析:Alaska and Bark Beetles阿拉斯加和樹皮甲蟲




















