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  • 由 陸滿庭 發表于 籃球
  • 2021-10-03
簡介自然科學Instead, we use a variety of clever shortcuts, including so-called "muscle memory" and also including perc


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How are humans able to correctly predict the strength needed and accurate trajectory of objects such as shooting a basketball or throwing a baseball?


【短語】such as 比如,例如;例句:I know many of them, such as John, Peter, and Tom。 我認識他們當中的很多人,例如約翰、彼得和湯姆。

【單詞】correctly [kuh-‘rekt][k’rektli] adv。 正確地;恰當地

【單詞】predict [pri-‘dikt][pr’dkt] v。 預言;預報;預知;預測

【單詞】strength [strengkth, strength, strenth][streθ] n。 力氣;強度;力量

【單詞】accurate [‘ak-yer-it][’kjrt] adj。 準確的;精確的

【單詞】trajectory [truh-‘jek-tuh-ree][tr’dektri] n。 軌道;彈道;軌跡

【單詞】objects 原型:object [‘ob-jikt, -jekt][’bdkt] n。 物體;目標;物件

【單詞】shooting 原型:shoot [shoot][ut] v。 這裡指籃球運動中的“投籃”

【單詞】basketball [‘bas-kit-bawl, ’bah-skit-][‘bɑsktbl] n。 籃球

【單詞】throwing 原型:throw [throh][θr] v。 扔;投;擲;拋

【單詞】baseball [’beys-bawl][‘besbl] n。 棒球,壘球

I studied this stuff in university.


【單詞】stuff [stuhf][stf] n。 東西;原料;材料

We do not make the sort of calculations that you would do in a science class.


【單詞】calculations 原型:calculation [kal-kyuh-’ley-shuhn][klkju‘len] n。 計算;估計;深思熟慮

【單詞】science [’sahy-uhns][‘sans] n。 科學;學科;理科;自然科學

Instead, we use a variety of clever shortcuts, including so-called "muscle memory" and also including perceptual tricks like "if the ball moves against the visual background in this way, then it's going to travel in that trajectory."


【短語】a variety of …… 各種各樣的…,種種;例句:The department store carries a variety of leather shoes。 這家百貨商店經銷各種皮鞋。

【用法】instead 單獨在句首或句尾表示“相反的是”,“代之的是”;例:Instead, a dog has to pant to keep cool。 狗只能透過喘氣來保持涼快。

【單詞】variety [vuh-’rahy-i-tee][v‘rati] n。 多樣;種類;多樣化

【單詞】clever [’klev-er][‘klev] adj。 聰明的;靈巧的

【單詞】shortcuts 原型:shortcut [’shawrt-kuht][‘tkt] n。 捷徑;近路;快捷鍵

【單詞】so-called [’soh-‘kawld][s kld] adj。 <貶>號稱的;所謂的

【單詞】muscle [’muhs-uhl][‘msl] n。 肌肉

【單詞】memory [’mem-uh-ree][‘memri] n。 記憶力;回憶;記憶

【單詞】perceptual [per-’sep-choo-uhl][p‘septul] adj。 感性的;知覺的

【單詞】tricks 原型:trick [trik][trk] n。 詭計;花招;把戲;訣竅

【單詞】visual [’vizh-oo-uhl][‘vul] adj。 視覺的;視力的;的;形象的

【單詞】background [’bak-ground][‘bkɡrand] n。 背景;經歷;幕後;

【單詞】travel [’trav-uhl][‘trvl] v。 移動,快速移動

Muscle memory, and practice.


Source: I'm really good at calculations, but play basketball once every 2 years and can only make 1 in 10 shots from 3-point range, on average.


【單詞】shots 原型:shot [shot][t] n。 投籃

【單詞】average [’av-er-ij, ‘av-rij][’vrd] n。 平均數;平均水平 adj。 平均的;一般的;通常的


Humans are really good at pattern recognition.


【單詞】pattern [‘pat-ern][’ptn] n。 模式;圖案;典範;式樣

【單詞】recognition [rek-uhg-‘nish-uhn][rekɡ’nn] n。 承認;認出;識別

Even if we have never tried to shoot a basket before, chances are we've at least handled something of similar weight and profile.


【短語】at least 至少;例句:At least, I asked him not to。 至少,我告訴過他不要這樣做。

【詞法】even if是“即使,縱然”的意思,為連詞,用於引導讓步狀語從句。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won‘t change our plan。 即使明天下雨,我們也決不改變計劃。

【單詞】basket [’bas-kit, ‘bah-skit][’bɑskt] n。 籃;筐

【單詞】handled 原型:handle [‘han-dl][’hndl] v。 處理;對待;操作;觸;買賣

【單詞】weight [weyt][wet] n。 重量

【單詞】profile [‘proh-fahyl][’prfal] n。 側面;輪廓;形象;簡介

Gravity itself acts consistently and predictably, so even if the object in question is different, we can get an approximation of how much force we might need, and how to aim it.


【單詞】Gravity 原型:gravity [‘grav-i-tee][’ɡrvti] n。 重力

【單詞】consistently [kuhn-‘sis-tuhnt-lee][kn’sstntl] adv。 一致地;始終如一地

【單詞】predictably [pri-‘dik-tuh-buhl][prdktbli] adv。 可預言地;不出所料地

【單詞】approximation [uh-prok-suh-’mey-shuhn][prks‘men] n。 接近;近似;近似值

【單詞】aim [eym][em] vt。 瞄準;針對 vi。 瞄準;旨在;致力

Of course, that may not be entirely accurate, as I'm sure you've experienced trying to lifting something that was way heavier or lighter than you expected.


【短語】of course 當然

【語法】lighter than 形容詞或副詞比較級 + than,是“比……更……”的意思;例句:He is younger than me。 他比我(更)年輕。He runs faster than me。 他比我跑得(更)快。

【單詞】entirely [en-’tahyuhr-lee][n‘tali] adv。 完全地;全部地

【單詞】lifting 原型:lift [lift][lft] vt。 舉起,提升

【單詞】heavier 原型:heavy 形容詞比較級 [’hev-ee][‘hevi] adj。 大(量)的;重的;沉重的;猛烈的

It could also just be luck.


【單詞】luck [luhk][lk] n。 運氣;幸運;僥倖

I've seen plenty of people take their very first whatever in things and fail catastrophically as well.


【單詞】plenty [’plen-tee][‘plenti] n。 豐富;大量;充足

【單詞】fail [feyl][fel] vi。 失敗;沒做成某事;表現欠佳

【單詞】catastrophically [kat-uh-’strof-ik][kt‘strfk] adj。 災難的;災難性的

It doesn't do any calculation and yes all has to do with muscle memory.


【單詞】calculation [kal-kyuh-’ley-shuhn][klkju‘len] n。 計算;估計;深思熟慮

Practice practice practice, doing a task over and over and over again is what makes your brain good at doing it and knowing when it needs a little extra or a little less.


【短語】take over 表示“接管;接收”。如:I intend you to take over。 我打算讓你來接管。

【單詞】task [task, tahsk][tɑsk] n。 任務;工作

【單詞】brain [breyn][bren] n。 腦;大腦

【單詞】extra [’ek-struh][‘ekstr] adj。 額外的;adv。 特別地

It's all about practice and repetition.


【單詞】repetition [rep-i-’tish-uhn][rep‘tn] n。 重複;反覆

About landing shot on first try, yes, many people get lucky, many people also miss on their first try.


【單詞】landing [’lan-ding][‘lnd] 動詞land的現在分詞,這裡指投籃

【單詞】shot 原型:shoot [shoot][ut] v。 投籃

【單詞】lucky [’luhk-ee][‘lki] adj。 幸運的;帶來好運的


That's just your brain making a guess based on other things it's done.


【單詞】guess [ges][ɡes] n。 猜測;猜想

【單詞】based on 基於……
