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  • 由 詩涵教英語 發表于 籃球
  • 2021-09-19
簡介(in), succeed in, be used to, look forward to, object to, pay attention to, insist on, feel like接動名詞、不定式均可,且意義相同的動詞:like










1) boiling water 正在沸騰的水

2) Do you know the girl standing over there? 你認識站在那裡的那個女孩嗎?

being done



1) The


being built now are for the teachers。現在正在建的那些房子是為老師而建的。

(not) having done



1) Having waited for an hour, he left。等了一個小時後,他離開了。

2) Not having received a reply, he wrote another letter。沒收到回覆,他又寫了一封信

having been done


1) Having been told many times, he still made the same mistake。 雖然被告訴過好多次了,他仍然犯同樣的錯誤。




1) The story told by Tom is very interesting。湯姆講的故事非常有趣。

2) The houses built last year are very big。去年建的那些房子很大。


1) Devoted to helping others, he is respected。他致力於幫助別人而受到尊重。

2) Interested in the book, he wants to buy it。他對這本書感興趣想買下來。


to do


1) I have much work to do。我有很多工作要做。

to be done


1) The houses to be built next month are very big。下個月將要被建的那些房子很大。

to have done



1) 看結構是否需要;

2) 看是否表達過去或完成之意

1) He’s said to have invented the telephone。據說他發明了電話。

2) He is said to have been punished by his leader。據說他已經受到了他領導的懲罰。


一、形式功能 :


否定式:not + (to) do 以do為例,動詞不定式的構成如下:


例如: I‘m nice to meet you。 很高興見到你。

He seems to know a lot。 他看起來懂得很多。

We plan to pay a visit。 我們計劃花錢去參觀。

He wants to be an artist。 他想成為一個藝術家。

The patient asked to be operated on at once。 病人要求馬上手術。

The teacher ordered the work to be done。 老師要求完成工作。


例如:The boy pretended to be working hard。 男孩假裝工作得很努力。

He seems to be reading in his room。 看起來他正在他的房間裡面讀書。


I regretted having told a lie。 我後悔我說謊了。

I happened to have seen the film。 我偶然看過這部電影。

He is pleased to have met his friend。 他很高興能遇上他的朋友。



To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard。 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。

To lose your heart means failure。 灰心意味著失敗。


It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes。 十分鐘之內完成這項工作是很難的。

It means failure to lose your heart。 灰心意味著失敗。



1、It+be+名詞+to do。

2、It takes sb。+some time+to do。

3、It+be+形容詞+of sb +to do。

①與careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice,right,silly,stupid,wise,wrong , careful , polite , 等表示讚揚或批評的形容詞連用,不定式前的sb。可作其邏輯主語。

②與for連用的通常是一些表示可能性、難易程度、必要性等含義的形容詞: possible,impossible,easy,hard,difficult,necessary

It’s necessary for you to study hard 。(necessary 修飾 to study hard,表示學習努力是有必要的)

It’s foolish of him to do it 。(foolish 修飾邏輯主語him)

(2)作表語: 放be動詞後,構成表語

Her job is to clean the hall。 她的工作是打掃大廳。

He appears to have caught a cold。 他似乎感冒了。





He managed to escape from the fire。

I find it hard to get along with him。(it 作形式賓語)

下列動詞通常用不定式作賓語:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, promise, prefer, like , begin , try , need , forget , agree , know , teach , help , arrange , dare , decide , determine , prepare , continue , ask , mean , choose , expect ,choose, get等


, “特殊疑問句+不定式”相當於名詞,作賓語。如:

I don’t know what to do next/ how to do it next。

I can’t decide when to go there。


不定式短語作賓語時,如果還帶有賓語補足語,往往把不定式短語放在賓語補足語之後,用it 作形式賓語。如:

I find it necessary to learn a foreign language。

We think it important to obey the laws 。


I have no choice but to stay here。 我只能留在這裡,別無選擇。

He did nothing last Sunday but repair his bike。 他上週日除了修他的腳踏車什麼也沒幹。

Marx found it important to study the situation in Russia。 馬克思發現研究俄國的情況是很重要的。


①動詞+賓語+不定式(to do )

He warned me to be careful。

I want you to speak to Tom。

What makes you think so?(不帶to的不定式)

注:可以用動詞不定式做賓補的動詞有:ask, tell, order ,want ,get, would like, like, advise, invite, allow, help, wish,warn, expect, prefer, encourage,beg, permit, persuade,prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite。

此外,介詞有時也與這種複合賓語連用,如:With a lot of work to do, he didn’t go to the cinema. 他有很多工作要做,所以沒去電影院。

表見解、看法的動詞結構可為:動詞+賓語+ to be 的不定式結構

We consider Tom to be one of the best students in our class。

The book is believed to be useful。(被動語態)

There +不定式

We didn’t expect there to be so many people there。我們沒料到會有那麼多人在那裡。

注意:(1)有些動詞需用 as 短語作補語,像regard, think, believe, take, consider。如:

We regard Tom as our best teacher。 我們認為湯姆是我們最好的老師。

Mary took him as her father。 瑪麗把他當作自己的父親。

(2)在動詞feel (一感),hear, listen to(二聽),have, let, make(三讓),notice, see, watch, observe, look at(五看)(即:吾看三室兩廳一感覺)等後面的補足語中,不定式不帶to,但變為被動語態後,必須帶to。如:

They saw the boy fall off the tree。 The boy was seen to fall off the tree。


I often help him (to)clean the room。


1)He is looking for a room to live in。(動狀關係)

He has got a chance to go abroad。(同位關係)

3)主謂關係:She is always the last ( person) to speak at the meeting 。 ——I’m going to the post office , for I have a letter to post 。

( 邏輯主語是I ) ————-Thank you。 But I have no letters to be posted now ( 邏輯主語不是I )


I have a meeting to attend。 我有一個會議要出席。


I need a pen to write with 。 (I will wirte with the pen ) (我需要一直鋼筆寫字)

I have a little baby to look after 。(I must look after the little baby ) (我有一個嬰兒要照看)

He is looking for a room to live

He is looking for a room to live in 。

What did you open it with? 你用什麼開啟它?

如果不定式修飾time, place, way,可以省略介詞:

He has no place to live。 他無處安身。

This is the best way to work out this problem。 這是解決這個問題的最好辦法。

He has no money and no place to live ( in ) 。

I think the best way to travel ( by ) is on foot 。

There is no time to think ( about ) 。



Have you got anything to send? 你要送什麼東西嗎? Have you got anything to be sent? 你有什麼東西需要送嗎?


We have made a plan to finish the work。 我們制定了一個完成工作的計劃。


He is the first to get here。 他第一個來到這兒。



He worked day and night to get the money。 他夜以繼日地工作來賺錢。

She sold her hair to buy the watch chain。 她賣掉了自己的頭髮來買那條錶鏈。


wrong:To save money, every means has been tried。 right:To save money, he has tried every means。 為了省錢,他使出了渾身解數。 wrong:To learn English well, a dictionary is needed。 right:To learn English well, he needs a dictionary。 為了學好英語,他需要一本詞典。

作目的狀語:既可以放在句首,也可以放在句尾 To tell you the truth, I don‘t like the way he talked。 說實話,我不喜歡他講話的方式。


(往往是與預期願望相反的結果 意料之外): 常放在never only後

He arrived late only to find the train had gone。 他來晚了,只見火車已經走了。

I visited him only to find him out。 我去拜訪他,只見他出去了。



They were very sad to hear the news。 他們聽到這條新聞非常傷心。


It’s too dark for us to see anything。 太暗了,我們什麼也看不見。

The question is simple for him to answer。 這問題由他來回答是很簡單的。


①情態動詞(除ought外, ought to do)

②would rather, had better


④由 and, or 和 than 連線的兩個不定式,第二個 to 可以省去。如:He wants to move to France and marry the girl。


⑥Why…/Why not…

⑦But 和 except 前是動詞 do 時,後面出現的動詞用不帶 to 的動詞不定式。試比較:

He wants to do nothing but go out。

He wants to believe anything but to take the medicine。

⑧通常在discover, imagine, suppose, think, understand 等詞後,可以省去 to be 。如:

⑨保留to省略do動詞。 If you don‘t want to do it, you don’t need to。 如果你不想做這件事,你就不必做。


want to , wish to ,hope to , like to , hate to , plan to , try to , love to , have to , ought to , need to , used to , be able to

He wished to study medicine and become a doctor。 他希望學醫併成為醫生。


1.to 作介詞:agree to, object to,close to , come to , lead to , refer to , equal to , familiar to , point to , thank to , devote to , next to , belong to , be used to , look forward to



: 動名詞既具有動詞的一些特徵,又具有名詞的句法功能。









being done



having done

having been done

having done

一般式 doing (謂語動詞同時發生) being done Seeing is believing。 眼見為實。

完成式 having done having been done (謂語動詞發生之前)We remembered having seen the film。 我們記得看過這部電影。

否定式:not + 動名詞 動名詞的形式: I regret not following his advice。 我後悔沒聽他的勸告。

被動式: He came to the party without being invited.他未被邀請就來到了晚會。

完成被動式: He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old。 他忘記五歲時曾被帶到廣州去過。

複合結構:物主代詞(或名詞所有格)+ 動名詞

He suggested our trying it once again。 他建議我們再試一次。

His not knowing English troubled him a lot。 他不懂英語給他帶來許多麻煩。




Reading aloud is very helpful。

Collecting stamps is interesting。

Playing with fire is dangerous。

當動名詞短語作主語時常用it作形式主語。結構:It’s no good/use doing。。。。 It‘s no use quarrelling。爭吵是沒用的。


動名詞可以和主語調換位置。如:My hobby is collecting stamps。

In the ant city, the queen’s job is laying eggs。 在螞蟻王國,蟻后的工作是產卵。

(3)作賓語:They haven‘t finished building the dam。 他們還沒有建好大壩。

We have to prevent the air from being polluted。 我們必須阻止空氣被汙染。

注意動名詞既可作動詞賓語也可作介詞賓語,如上面兩個例句。此外,動名詞作賓語時,若跟有賓語補足語,則常用形式賓語it,例如: We found it no good making fun of others。 我們發現取笑他人不好。


enjoy, finish, suggest, avoid, excuse ,delay, imagine, keep, miss, consider, admit,deny, mind, permit, forbid, practise, risk, appreciate, be busy, be worth, feel like, can’t stand, can‘t help), think of, dream of, be fond of, prevent…(from),keep …from, stop…(from),protect…from, set about, be engaged in, spend…(in), succeed in, be used to, look forward to, object to, pay attention to, insist on, feel like


like, love, dilike,hate, begin, star, continue, prefer, cease, can’t bear/endure/stand


forget,go on,mean,regret,remember,stop,try等

Stop to do 停下來去做 stop doing 停止做

Forget to do 忘記要做 forget doing 忘記做過

Remember to do 記得要做 remember doing 記得做過

Regret to do 遺憾要做 regret doing 後悔做過

Try to do 企圖做,盡力做 try doing 試著做

Go on to do 繼續做(另一件事) go on doing 繼續做(同一件事)

Mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味做

注意:Need, require, want作“需要”講,其後用動名詞的主動式表示被動意義,be worth也有類似用法。如:

The flowers need watering/to be watered。

The problem is worth discussing。



a waiting room,a diving board,a reading room,a dining hall




如:a sleeping boy =a boy who is sleeping

a developing country =a country which is developing


如:a washing machine = a mashine for washing

a swimming pool = a pool for swimming

He can’t walk without a walking-stick。 他沒有柺杖不能走路。

Is there a swimming pool in your school? 你們學校有游泳池嗎?


The cave, his hiding-place is secret。 那個山洞,他藏身的地方很秘密。

His habit, listening to the news on the radio remains unchanged. 他收聽收音機新聞節目的習慣仍未改變。




像:gone, fallen, retired, grown-up, escaped, faded, returned等詞。如:a retired person 一個退休的人 a fallen ball 一個落下來的球


如:falling leaves 正在下落的樹葉 fallen leaves 已經落在地上的樹葉

注意:分詞作時間狀語,如果先於主動詞的動作,且強調先後,要用having done。如:

Having finished his homework, he went out for a walk。=After he had finished his homework, he went out for a walk。



2)分詞前常有when / while / as / before/ after/ if / unless /even if 等引導詞

3)如果過去分詞的動作發生在主句謂語之前,用having been done Having been hurt in a traffic accident, I was given an operation。

4)分詞做狀語,主語之前不可有and /but / so / or/ so that 等連詞(如有,則此句子為祈使句)

Working hard, you will succeed。

Working hard and you will succeed。

5)否定式,在分詞之前+ not

6)固定搭配: be dressed in be lost in thoughts lost in thoughts, he knocked into me。

7)分詞的邏輯主語與主句不同,分詞要有自己的邏輯主語,稱為“獨立主語” The money used up, I had no food to eat






否定式:not + 現在分詞


例如:They went to the park, singing and talking。 他們邊唱邊說向公園走去。

Having done his homework, he played basket-ball。 做完作業,他開始打籃球。


The problem being discussed is very important。 正在被討論的問題很重要。

Having been told many times, the naughty boy made the same mistake。 被告訴了好幾遍,這個淘氣的孩子又犯了同一個錯誤。



In the following years he worked even harder。 在後來的幾年中,他學習更努力了。

The man speaking to the teacher is our monitor‘s father。 正與老師談話的那個人是我們班長的父親。

現在分詞作定語相當於一個定語從句的句法功能,如:in the following years也可用in the years that followed; the man speaking to the teacher可改為the man who is speaking to the teacher。

(2)現在分詞作表語: The film being shown in the cinema is exciting。 正在這家上演的電影很棒。

The present situation is inspiring。 當前的形勢鼓舞人心。

be + doing既可能表示現在進行時,也可能是現在分詞做表語,它們的區別在於be + doing表示進行的 動作是進行時,而表示特徵時是系動詞be與現在分詞構成系表結構。

(3)作賓語補足語:如下動詞後可跟現在分詞作賓語補足語:see, watch, hear, feel, find, get, keep, notice, observe, listen to, look at, leave, catch等。例如:Can you hear her singing the song in the next room? 你能聽見她在隔壁唱歌嗎?

He kept the car waiting at the gate。 他讓小汽車在門口等著。


①作時間狀語: (While) Working in the factory, he was an advanced worker。 在工廠工作時,他是一名先進工人。

②作原因狀語: Being a League member, he is always helping others。 由於是共青團員,他經常幫助他人。

③作方式狀語,表示伴隨: He stayed at home, cleaning and washing。 他呆在家裡,又擦又洗。

④作條件狀語: (If) Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time。 要是整天玩,你就會浪費寶貴的時間。

⑤作結果狀語: He dropped the glass, breaking it into pieces。 他把杯子掉了,結果摔得粉碎。

⑥作目的狀語: He went swimming the other day。 幾天前他去游泳了。

⑦作讓步狀語: Though raining heavily, it cleared up very soon。 雖然雨下得很大,但不久天就晴了。

⑧與邏輯主語構成獨立主格:I waiting for the bus, a bird fell on my head.

All the tickets having been sold out, they went away disappointedly。 所有的票已經賣光了,他們失望地離開了。

Time permitting, we’ll do another two exercises。 如果時間允許,我們將做另兩個練習。

有時也可用with (without) +名詞(代詞賓格)+分詞形式 With the lights burning, he fell asleep。 他點著燈睡著了。

⑨作獨立成分: udging from(by) his appearance, he must be an actor。 從外表看,他一定是個演員。 Generally speaking, girls are more careful。 一般說來,女孩子更細心。



只有V-ed一種形式。(①規則,V-ed, ②不規則)




frozen food、polluted river、a terrified boy


Vi 過去分詞作定語,表示完成 a married man an escape man the risen sun a fallen leaf

Our class went on an organized trip last Monday。 上週一我們班開展了一次有組織的旅行。

Those selected as committee members will attend the meeting。 當選為委員的人將出席這次會。


a satisfied smile a satisfying answer

Tom tired at the tiring speech,started to sleep。

③過去分詞短語做定語時,用於被修飾的名詞之後,相當於省略了which/who is/are:

A book written by luxun a student called Mary

The meeting being held now is important。

The meeting held yesterday was important

The meeting to be held tomorrow is important。


: The window is broken。 窗戶破了。

They were frightened at the sad sight。 他們對眼前悲慘的景象感到很害怕。

注意:be + 過去分詞,如果表示狀態是系表結構,如果表示被動的動作是被動語態。

區別: The window is broken。(系表) The window was broken by the boy。(被動) 有些過去分詞是不及物動詞構成的,不表示被動,只表示完成。如: boiled water(開水) fallen leaves(落葉)

newly arrived goods(新到的貨) the risen sun(升起的太陽) the changed world(變了的世界) 這類過去分詞有:gone, come, fallen, risen, changed, arrived, returned, passed等。



With+sth。/sb。 Done

With the work done, they went out to play。 工作做完了,他們出去玩去了。

With trees planted around the school, it looks nicer。

Have /get + sb/sth。 Done 叫人做。。。。

Make oneself kmow/ understood/ hearted 讓自己被。。。。

③see /hear/ watch / notice/ observe / listen to等構成的感官動詞及 think/ find 等表示心理狀態的動詞 ~ sth/ sb。 done

1) I hear this song sung

2) I found the dooe unlocked when I got home。

④ want / wish / like / expect / order sth /sb。 Done 希望、命令……被做

I want the problem discussed at the meeting。


Praised by the neighbours, he became the pride of his parents。 受到鄰居們的表揚,他成為父母的驕傲。(原因)

Once seen, it can never be forgotten。 一旦它被看見,人們就忘不了。(時間)

Given more time, I‘ll be able to do it better。 如果給予更多的時間,我能做得更好。(條件)

Though told of the danger, he s till risked his life to save the boy。 雖然被告之有危險,他仍然冒生命危險去救那個孩子。(讓步)

Filled with hopes and fears, he entered the cave。 心中充滿了希望與恐懼,他走進山洞。 (方式/伴隨)
